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One Collegiette Shares Her Story of Meeting Chris Brown At Towson Town Center

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Erin shares her story of meeting R&B singer Chris Brown (who performed at the 1st Mariner Arena Wednesday Night) while he was shopping at the Towson Towson Center Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Sept. 27, Chris Brown went shopping at the Towson Town Center mall. At first, he went slightly unnoticed by many of the mall’s regular shoppers. It wasn’t until he made his way into Down-Town Locker Room (or DTLR) that many of his fans started chasing him. His entourage and security guards were very protective and wouldn’t let anyone get too close to him and once he went into a store no one could go in until he left. The only way you were in a store with him was if you were in there before he entered. I was one of the lucky few that happened to already be in the store before Chris Brown started shopping.

I got a picture of him as he entered DTLR. As he began to shop there, I left because his bodyguards sure know how to make someone feel uncomfortable. As the crowd got bigger, I started to shake and feel even more uncomfortable. My friend Keisha and I decided to head towards the opposite end of the mall away from the crowd. We began to hear the screams of female fans and turned around to see an even bigger crowd than before. We decided to hide out in Spencer’s until the crowd went past. Unfortunately, for my nerves, he decided to come into Spencer’s.

As the crowd surrounded the store, I headed to the back so that the crowd would be out of eyesight. His girlfriend, Karrauche Tran, was in the store looking at all the kinky toys they had to offer. At one point, Breezy (as his die hard fans call him) even picked up a “Tuggie” (a snuggie for the males…) and made a joke about needing one. After deciding to pretend to look at shot glasses, my friend and I finally decided to say hello; little did we know someone had an attitude problem. My friend says, “Hi Chris Brown!” and he looked at her with an attitude and replied “Hey” nonchalantly. She then proceeded to ask to take a picture of him and with a long sigh he replied, “Not right now.” For two people who have been Chris Brown fan’s for years and faithful supporters of “#TeamBreezy”, we were very unhappy with his attitude. Even the sales associate was told no when she asked for a picture.

A couple minutes after asking to take the picture, we asked the bodyguard why he didn’t want to take any pictures. The reply was, “Well he just wants to relax and shop…not be bothered by fans.” Well excuse me, but last time I checked you were a celebrity and you decided to be a celebrity. When you decided to make it big as a celebrity, you automatically sign up for the fans and the invasion of privacy. Without #TeamBreezy, Chris Brown would just be another kid from Virginia that knows how to sing. It makes me kind of upset that he couldn’t take 60 seconds out of his day to take a picture with two fans that happened to be in Spencer’s with him. To make it even worse, he wouldn’t take a picture with the sales associate who bagged his stuff. If that isn’t beyond rude then I don’t know what is. My feelings towards him have changed completely but it was an experience I will remember for a long time.

Alexandra (Ali) Pannoni is a senior at Towson University majoring in journalism with a minor in theatre. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Campus Towson. As the Campus Celebrity columnist for Her Campus Towson, Ali has interviewed Country Music Superstar Chuck Wicks and Major League Baseball Player Casper Wells. In Spring 2012 she was an editorial intern with Baltimore magazine. Currently she is an intern for the nationally syndicated radio morning show, The Kane Show, heard locally on HOT 99.5 in Washington D.C. and Z104.3 in Baltimore.  You can view some of her published work for Baltimore magazine on her website. She loves reading magazines, (attempting) to run, and hanging out with friends and family.