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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Meet Lulu, the app that lets girls rate guys anonymously. This app is like Tinder, the dating app except instead of chatting with a random guy in your area, you can see what other girls think of the new love interest in your life. So, maybe he isn’t what he says he is. Next! Why not dish dirt on your ex? They won’t know it’s you!

Linked to your facebook friends, this app not only prevents you from wasting your time on those not so great guys but you can also rate guys you’ve dated, hooked up with or are just friends with. Based on a few questions with a rating from 1-10, your guy gets a rating that is anonymously displayed for all women to see. This is the time to come together and help each other out! Chicks before…well, you know the rest.

Guys can’t really see what you have said, unless they log in and invite friends. With this long process, they give up. If they try to log in with their facebook, they are blocked and taken to LuluDude. This app only lets guys say what they think about themselves. I have had some of my guy friends ask me to check their Lulu rating and the hash tags they were given (and most of the hash tags girls have given them are highly accurate). Tons of guys freak out and have the need to see their score. They think it’s a confidence boost when they get a good rating. So why not be honest and give some, not all, what they deserve. If they were rude…tell girls that. If they were awesome…tell girls that. Or if they were the worst hookup ever…tell girls that. Come together colligettes and help your friends out. Dish some dirt with Lulu! You may learn more about your new guy than he thinks.