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Julianna Mootz President of Autism Speaks U at Towson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.


April is Autism Awareness month. Did you know that there are  a bunch of ways to become become an advocate for autism awareness at Towson?  One way is to be a part of Autism Speaks U. Their president is Julianna Mootz, and here is what she has to say:

Her Campus: How did you become interested in autism and spreading 

autism awareness?

Julianna Mootz: I first became interested in autism because my cousin has Asperger’s (a mild form of autism). I saw the struggles she faces on a day to day basis and wanted to find a way to help her and others with autism spectrum disorders. When I came across Autism Speaks U last year on-campus, I felt this was the best way for me to help build awareness on-campus about autism.  

HC: What kind of activities has Autism Speaks U done? Are you planning anything coming-up in the future?

JM: Our group hosts various events such as bake sales, advocacy days, bingo night and restaurant nights in order to help spread awareness about autism spectrum disorders and raise money for the national organization of Autism Speaks. April is our big month being that it is Autism Awareness Month. So far this month we have had a blue hair extension event, an  advocacy walk for “Light It Up Blue” and a Wheel of Fortune game for advocacy day.  Each semester we have one large event, this semester it’s a dodgeball event on April 21, from 3-5 p.m.. For this event, student groups and individuals with autism spectrum disorders will participate i

n this event. There will be modified dodgeball game and crafts as well as regular dodgeball games going on. We also have a Chik-Fil-A event coming up April 18. 

HC: What is your major? Are you planning on working with people diagnosed on the autism spectrum for the rest of your life?

JM: My major is speech language pathology and audiology. Yes, I do plan on working 

with individuals diagnosed on the autism spectrum in my field. 

HC: What can people do if they are interested in joining Autism Speaks U at Towson?

JM: If anyone is interested in joining Autism Speaks U, they can email us at: autismspeakstu@gmail.com and we can add them to our email list to let them know when events are. We have meetings every other wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Ps

ychology building room 304. You can also like us on Facebook, to see when upcoming events are or to find out facts or news about autism spectrum disorders.

HC: Is there anything else you would like the readers to know about you or Autism Speaks U at Towson?

JM : Autism Speaks U Towson University is a chapter of the national organization Autism Speaks. Our group is dedicated to raising public awareness, fundraising for global biomedical research for the causes and resources for autism spectrum disorders and to help alleviate the hardships of this disorder. Our group is very passionate about Autism Spectrum Disorders and wants to support in any way we can.