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How to Prepare for a Visit to Another College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

More important than the “college visits” you took in high school – are the ones you take in college. I might be among few people who love visiting my friends at other schools. My various trips to schools like UMD, VT, and Penn State have taught me a few things.  Here’s what you need to know about visiting other universities.

1) Travel Arrangements – Make them early and confirm them often! Especially if someone else is driving. I personally usually drive myself but that means being responsible for directions and knowing where to park (shout out to College Park for the two parking tickets last year).

2) Sleeping Arrangements – Think this one through carefully. Particularly if you’re visiting multiple people at the same school. If you’re planning to crash on the floor, don’t forget a pillow and blanket!

3) Ask what to bring! – I missed the memo that a party I was supposed to attend on one of my visits had a theme. Also some schools are more about jeans and others about dresses. Find out…it makes packing easier.

4) Things you will likely forget: towel, shower shoes, & homework – The towel is simply so your host doesn’t have to worry about finding spares. Shower shoes because I’m spoiled with a suite bathroom however my VT/UMD friends aren’t so fortunate. I experienced mild culture shock from their floor bathrooms. And homework is a good idea because on a Saturday morning there might not be much else to do.

5) Phone charger, ID, cash/wallet – Do not even think about leaving something essential behind. These items need to make it there and back! A phone charger, ID, and cash/wallet seem like typical travel essentials. 

6) Confine your stuff to one small area of where you’re staying – You’ll thank me for saving you the trouble of tearing your room apart three weeks later looking for your favorite cardigan when it’s sitting in your friend’s dorm room, lost behind her dresser.

7) Don’t pack too heavy – The easiest way to cut back on how much you’re packing is to plan on borrowing things like shampoos, soaps and hair straighteners. Take into consideration that you are only going for a couple of days and not a couple of months.

8) Make the most of the time you have with the people you’re visiting – I drive 6 hours to see one of my best friends. I love every minute of going out, meeting her friends, and seeing the campus but more than anything I like the time spent just the two of us catching up, swapping stories or talking about the Kardashians. I can’t be the only one who likes to forget about the fact that we live 200 or so miles apart for a bit and pretend it’s like being home again.

Did I forget something or do you have something you think needs to be added? Tweet @HerCampusTowson and let us know!