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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

How Do I Know If They’re Interested?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s common to ask yourself when first getting to know someone: “How do I know if they’re interested?”  And some of you guys out there sometimes have difficulty understanding how women work.  Luckily, I have a few tips to find out if she is truly into you.

The following 6 things that you’re about to read I have learned from personal experience and observing friends, both men and women.  I’ve applied this stuff and tested it from time to time and it’s the real deal.

Let’s begin…

1.  They enjoy talking to you

This one can be hard because some women or men can genuinely be nice, sweet, and well-mannered.  Others who aren’t as well-mannered or sweet could still be genuinely interested in you and enjoy talking.

There’s a difference.

I know a friend of mine who was genuinely friendly to anyone she approached, which created conflict for her because of a lot of men would mistake it as flirting or her being interested.  It’s important to pay attention to if they’re being nice or if they’re showing you more attention than normal.  If a person truly cares they will put in that effort.  If they spend a lot of their time having conversation with you and they invest their time in you, then you can more than likely conclude that they might be interested because they are giving you their time.

Pay close attention, notice their patterns, and learn to differentiate between being friendly and flirting.

2.  They often call or text you

This is important!

When you are on someone’s mind, they will let you know and make it obvious from a simple text.  There should be no rule on who texts first because if you’re both mutually interested, it will show.  Just know that if the other person isn’t being responsive, don’t panic.  They could be busy.  Yes, people do get busy from time to time.  But, if you haven’t heard anything from them or an explanation to them not texting back, it is possible they just might not be interested in you as you are in them.  If they are interested, calls are a great way to shows that you’re going a step further from just texting.

It takes two people for a conversation to start, so don’t let the “they have to text me first” rule stop you from showing interest!

3. They want to get to know you

Pay extra close attention ladies and gentlemen!

Anyone interested in you will take the time to get to know the little things about you.  Whether it’s your favorite shows or your personal background.  It’s a good sign if they ask, “how was your day?” or anything relating to you personally.  They want to learn about your hobbies or what you like to do in your everyday life.  Also, pay attention to where they take the conversation.

Someone who wants to get to know you will make it clear by even remembering the little things about you!

4. They want to spend time with you

They will ask to hangout or see you!

The only way getting to know someone besides communicating through technology would be in person.  Pay attention to how often they ask to see you even if it’s just for an hour.  Also, pay close attention to when they ask to hang out with you.  If it’s late at night and they ask what you’re up to, not always, but most likely that person is not looking for anything serious at the time.  Which is not your fault or theirs!  They are just not the one for you.  Spending time with someone really gives the opportunity for you both to get to know each other on a deeper level.  It’s also a good way to see how they treat you when you guys spend time together.

5.  How they interact with you in social settings

The way someone treats you really shows how they feel about you.

They’ll invite you to go out to a social event with them.  If someone specifically asks you out that is a sign that they enjoy your company and want to be around you.  Pay attention to the way they treat you in front of their friends and at any social event.  Someone who is into you will show that no matter who they’re around because to them you’re all that matters.  Listen to the way they introduce you in a social event or if they’re friends know of you.  It’s a good sign if their friends know of you because that means they have talked about you to them!

6. Consistency

Consistency is key!

The most obvious and important sign is consistency.  That means they are always trying to make plans with you or constantly talking to you because they care.  They make sure to text you about your day or even see what you’re up to.  Consistency is 50/50 from both sides so make sure if they also work around your schedule that you also reciprocate if you too, are interested.

They will take any time out of their schedule to speak to you!


Figuring out if someone is into you is not as complicated as it seems.  It just takes some effort from someone wanting to be around you or getting to know you.  If you don’t sense that you’re getting the same effort in return, don’t be afraid to tell them how you feel.  These tips are here to help you for even the most complicated signs you may receive!

Hey guys welcome to my Her Campus profile! Here you will find my articles and ideas I’ve written thus far. I am    currently a junior, Major in Mass Communications with the concentration track of journalism. I’ve recently joined Her Campus this fall. Im looking forward to being apart of this chapter for the year! Along with Her Campus, I am also part of Towson’s Towerlight Newspaper. Some fun facts about is that I like to read, listen to music, write poetry, adventure ,and drink tons of  caramel machiattos. Check out my social media ! Instagram;raquellalfaro Twitter;raquelllmaria_