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How To Decorate Your Home With Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Fall is such an exciting time of the year. With the changing of the leaves, the tantalizing aroma of pumpkins, and the growing giddiness of Halloween, it is one of the most colorful and vibrant seasons. Everything is so beautiful and festive outside that when coming back home to your apartment or dorm it can seem kind of dreary and boring. So here at Her Campus we have a few fun and easy ideas on how to embrace the autumn season not only when you’re outside but inside your home as well.

  1. October is all about pumpkins, so join the bandwaggon and buy a few! Either go to the grocery store to pick up the plumpest one you can find, or head to a nearby farm with some friends to pick one out in the fields. Feel free to carve it or just place it on a table for everyone to admire. Finding different colored ones like green and white will also make it an interesting attraction so buy a couple to mix things up.
  2. Instead (or in addition) to buying some large pumpkins, spruce up your dorm or apartment with these cute little gourds. They come in so many different sizes it can be hard to choose just one, so get a bunch and make it a party. Head to any local Farmer’s Market or grocery store and you’ll find a few favorites you’ll need to bring home.
  3. If you like the smell of pumpkins, but don’t necessarily want to get hands deep in the carving process, buy some nice smelling pumpkin candles. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy the pumpkin aroma, without things getting too messy. Try some cinnamon spice, roasting marshmallows, and burning wood smells too.
  4. If you’re the kind of person who really admires the changing leaves during fall, definitely stop by Michael’s to pick up some fall foliage. They have a great floral section where you’ll be sure to find a leaf arrangement you’ll love. Place them around a table or countertop, or have them hang around windows or from doors and walls.
  5. While you’re at Michael’s check out all of their other holiday decorations. They have numerous Halloween crafts, festive plates and napkins, hanging banners, neat sculptures, centerpieces, and more to make your room scream Halloween time. Whether you’re going for a sophisticated look, creepy, or childhood cartoonish, it’ll have a wide variety of options to choose from.
  6. Another great place to look for Halloween props would be Party City. They have fake spider webs, window and door stencils, and wall and table decorations galore. There are so many ways for you to go all out to add Halloween inside your room, so get creative with it. 
  7. Last, but not least watch some Halloween movies! It’s a great way to set the mood inside your house and can be so much fun. Play your Halloween favorites while you’re doing homework, hanging out with friends, or just for enjoying and re-watching the classics.

So whether you try a few ideas or all of them, have fun decorating this October and remember, even if you’re in a dorm, there’s still plenty of ways to enjoy the fall festivities and bringing them inside your home.

Hi, I'm Katherine! I'm a junior at Towson double majoring in Art and Design and Mass Communications, with a minor in Cultural Studies.