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Get Healthy With Chelsea! Week Two: Operation Goodbye Tubba Wubba, Hello Hubba Hubba

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

You know that feeling you get when you look in the mirror, and just think, “Oh, God.” You’re feeling saggy and looking bloated. Even when you turn to the side and suck in your gut to look just like you wish you did, you know that moment won’t last. The only way you can get there is through hard work. Instead of sucking it in, you have to suck it up!

I have a new mission in life—get healthy. I’ve decided to dub this journey “Operation Goodbye Tubba Wubba, Hello Hubba Hubba.” Time to get hot—and feel good about myself in the process! This first couple of weeks back at Towson has been difficult, but not impossible. When you want to get healthy, the only thing impossible is having an attitude that holds you back!

This is my pedometer on a good day. Aim for 10,000 steps a day!

My mom sent me a pedometer and it’s become very handy. Apparently, you’re supposed to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I found out that I don’t do that a whole lot. Of the days I walked with my pedometer this week I averaged about 6,053 steps a day, but that’s only four days worth of calculations so far. To keep my step count up, I’ve started taking the long way to places or just wandering aimlessly around campus to keep moving. Today, I stopped by Susq to grab a sandwich and walked out forgetting I wanted to refill my water bottle. I was about half way back to my building, but hey, I’m trying to be active. I turned around and walked right back to the Union, rewarding myself with a refreshing drink of water in my Winnie the Pooh bottle.

I also walked to the mall and Barnes and Noble twice this week. It’s really not that far; while taking the shuttle may be nice, it’s not always the best. Okay, so if it’s blistering out and snow’s falling down like crazy, yes, take the shuttle. Or don’t go to the mall. But if it’s only a little chilly out, bundle up! A walk down York Road is not only peaceful but it is also enjoyable! If you’re good, you can even treat yourself to a delicious sub from Subway on the way back. I do every time. I also wait to eat the sub until I get back to my room. That way, my walk back makes me feel like I’ve earned it. By the way, Italian BMT on a whole grain sub with lettuce, tomato, and onions is delish.

Try to drink about three bottles of water a day. Hydration is important!

This semester, I am determined to only allow myself one bad food a week. Not meaning one bad day of foods—only one bad MEAL a week. So if I really want that Chick-fil-A one day, that’s it. Nothing else for the rest of the week! My bad meal this week was the Grilled Cheese from Paws. Seriously, that thing is probably a heart attack with a side of cheese but it is so darn good. Just salads and sandwiches for now! I never drink soda or alcohol though. My only occasional drink splurge is Brisk Strawberry Melon. It’s recommended that you drink at least three water bottles a day. With my body, I probably need more like five, because I get dehydrated really easily. And yeah, that amount of water might make you pee a lot more than you’re used to, but it’s a great feeling knowing you’re setting your body straight.

This upcoming week, I’m going to start going to the gym after I finish my classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10. Maybe I’ll see some of you there?  If you have any workout tips, please send some in! I have a few things that I do, which I’ll discuss in next week’s article, but I’m eager to hear how you all have successful workouts. I might even try a few, as long as they’re not crazy dangerous!

As I mentioned in my previous article, I’m a Zumba instructor. So I thought, what better way to celebrate my semester journey than with a Zumba party? At the end of this semester, you’re all invited to our Her Campus Zumba Night, which may very well acquire a new title by then. The date and location is unknown as of today, but I will update you in my weekly articles if and when we make the plans.

Until then, keep walking, drink water, and I’ll see you next week!