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Freshman Diary: Why I Chose My Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.


Eighth grade was the year that I developed a true passion for dance. No matter how many hours I was in the studio, it was never enough time. Going to class was always the best part of my day. My body would ache, and I would love it. I danced as much as I could, as often as I could, and as best as I could. My teachers saw this in me, and began to push me more than they ever had before. They allowed me to take classes with the girls in the level above me. Rather than making me feel bad about myself, being with dancers who were better than me only fueled my fire that much more. I wanted to be as amazing as them. Ever since that year, there truly has not been anything that I am as passionate about as I am dance.

I’m a dance major. For as long as I can remember, I always knew that dance would be a lasting presence in my life. Junior and senior year of high school, many of my friends struggled with finding an answer to the question, “What do you want to do?” I answered that question with ease. “I want to be a dance teacher.” My teachers would talk to us about how it’s okay if we’re unsure about our paths or if we change our majors. I was confident that I wouldn’t need to use that advice.

I am so incredibly happy at Towson. I honestly cannot imagine a school that is more suited for my needs. There was never a question about where I saw myself going to school. I looked into other options, but I always knew that I would end up here. In the same way, I can’t see myself majoring in anything besides dance. Recently, I performed in my first show at Towson. All of the dancers were on stage taking class before our show, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I belong here. My teachers make me feel important. They make me feel special. They help me understand my practice on a mature level. They make me believe that I can succeed.

I chose my major because there really was no choice. There’s something in me, which I believe is inside of every dancer, that allows me to put myself through hours of pain, sweat, and hard work. It allows for months of rehearsal to cultivate in a few thrilling, satisfying moments onstage. It allows me to keep my eye on the big picture and not get dragged down with the daily grind. It allows me to constantly be hearing that I’m not good enough, but never want to give up. It allows me to constantly chase perfection, even though I know I’ll never catch it. There is something inside of every human being that encourages us to embrace our pain and use it to better ourselves. I chose my major because dance connects me to that innate quality.