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Campus Cutie: Caliope Yiannos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Towson University’s Campus Cutie: Caliope Yiannos

Age: 18

Major: Deaf Studies and Art

Hometown: Seaville, New Jersey

Future Ambition: Become an American Sign Language Interpreter for concerts and a tattoo artist

Fun Fact: Caliope plays Rapunzel, Elsa, and Cinderella for a Birthday Party Company

Favorite Vacation Spot: Greece

Biggest Fears: Porcelain Dolls and birds

When Described by her Friends: Bubbly, hungry, and tired

Celebrity Crush: Nyle DiMarco (she even got to meet him!)

Favorite Pick-Up Line: “If you were a vegetable, you would be a CUTE-cumber…”


Follow Caliope on Instagram: @caliope_elaine

Amy Phillips is a student at Towson University pursuing a double major in Mass Communications (Journalism & New Media) and Dance. She is a Jersey girl at heart, aspiring to become a News Anchor and Dance Teacher. Amy has a heart for helping others in the community, dreams of dancing in the Disney College Program, as well as becoming Miss America. Follow Amy on Instagram: amy_phillips46