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Awkward Moments That Happen in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

College, while exciting and fun, can also be filled with not so great moments. From one night stands to party fouls, here’s a list of some awkward experiences that will most likely happen to you in college. 

1. Hook ups. Yeah, you probably think your first real college hookup will be great and exhilirating right? Wrong. In reality that guy from your floor isn’t so cute up close. He probably has no idea what he’s doing either. And your twin size bed isn’t too comfy with him taking up the whole thing. Oh and he snores too. Awkward moment #1: check. 

2. Arriving late to class. You won’t think it’s a big deal until everyone stares at you like you are from outerspace or have spinach all over your teeth. And then your professor gives you an evil look and your stomach feels like it just dropped to the floor. Awkward moment(s) #2: check. 

3. Sending drunk texts. This doesn’t need much of an explanation but boy is this a killer. I cringe thinking about all the text’s I’ve sent intoxicated and let me tell you, it ain’t pretty. You’ll wake up the next morning with a pounding headache and loss of your dignity. A word of advice, turn your phone off or suffer the consequences the next morning. Awkward moment #3: check. 

4. Your first “frat” party. I remember the first frat party I went to. I was an 18-year-old tiny freshman scared to death of these macho looking boys who thought they were gods of the universe. I knew no one and ended up awkwardly smiling in a corner while clutching my red Solo Cup. I left as soon as they started chanting and yelling like animals. Awkward moment #4: check.

5. Roommates. No matter who you are, I think most people can think of an awkward moment you’ve had with a roommate or suitemates. One night during Freshman year my two roomies and I tried to drown out the sounds of our suitemates puking their alcohol filled stomachs out. Fun. Oh and shower sex is really fun to listen to as well. Especially when you’re trying to sleep. Awkward moment #5: check.  

6. Last but not least, creepers. No matter what you do, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll wind up in class with a person who wants to be your new bff or your significant other. No matter what you do, they will not leave you alone. College is full of them and there’s really no way out of it. #getawayfromme #bye