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Ask Andi: Where Can I meet guys BESIDES Frat Parties and Bars?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Hey Andi!

I want a boyfriend. There are NO cute guys in my classes, and the ones that are attractive already have a boyfriend ;). I can’t meet good guys at Frat parties or bars. At the last one I went to the guy next to me was LITERALLY hooking up with this girl on a dance floor. I can’t take that home to Mama! Where can I meet a respectable boy? I’m not asking for too much, just a semi-attractive looking, intelligent guy who is willing to watch all day marathons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians with me!


-Single and Looking

Dear Single and Looking,

I can definitely sympathize with your predicament! When you go out at night, you meet plenty of people; but not always ones who are the boyfriend-type.  

Believe it or not, many guys are in the same boat as you!  They want to try to find a respectable, mature, and well-rounded girl.  Most college guys see their fellow female students in the same way we see them; as party animals who want to stay single and unattached.  While this can be true in cases, it is also a misconception that both sexes have about one another.  

To find a guy who is looking for the same things that you are in life; a simple and fun relationship opposed to a one-night-stand, I suggest you expand your search parameters.  You don’t have to leave the state or even campus- you just have to look in different places.

A great way to meet new people is by getting involved at campus.  While that sounds corny, it couldn’t be truer!  Parties are nice because you can be very social and around a bunch of people- but the overcrowded ad loud environment prevent real connections between people, and the possible involvement of alcohol won’t help.  When you drink you are more social; however, you are social by second nature with alcohol- so the people you meet you are likely to either forget, or think that you only connected with them because you were both drinking and happy.  

Trying out different clubs, groups and organizations will double or even triple your social network.  You will be exposed to all different types of people in a social, but sober environment.  A guy who you meet in a club, group or organization is likely to be the respectable type you are looking for.  He is involved and cares about something else besides hooking up in the middle of parties!  

Don’t get the wrong idea- just because the guys in different clubs might be more respectable doesn’t mean they don’t go out or party at all.  Some will and some won’t.  You don’t need to change your type, just the atmosphere in which you find him!

Check out the Involved@TU, <

Alexandra (Ali) Pannoni is a senior at Towson University majoring in journalism with a minor in theatre. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Campus Towson. As the Campus Celebrity columnist for Her Campus Towson, Ali has interviewed Country Music Superstar Chuck Wicks and Major League Baseball Player Casper Wells. In Spring 2012 she was an editorial intern with Baltimore magazine. Currently she is an intern for the nationally syndicated radio morning show, The Kane Show, heard locally on HOT 99.5 in Washington D.C. and Z104.3 in Baltimore.  You can view some of her published work for Baltimore magazine on her website. She loves reading magazines, (attempting) to run, and hanging out with friends and family.