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Andy Cohen of Turtle Tongue

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.


When he’s not watching his favorite movies, hiking, or jamming out for fun with friends, 22 year old and senior at Towson University, Andy Cohen, a member of the band Turtle Tongue, is practicing hard with his fellow band mates to make sure they perform their best! They’ve been a band for 2 years now, and they sure know how to play some amazing music! I had the opportunity to ask Andy some questions about himself and the band. Keep reading for an exclusive interview with Andy!

Mackenzy Kaplan: Where are you originally from? 
Andy Cohen: Towson, Maryland native!

MK: What is your major? 
AC: Elementary Education

MK: Where can people find you most in Towson/Where do you go to hang out the most? 
AC: Kenthouse Tavern and Kathmandu Kitchen. That place is great!

MK: How old were you when you first got into music? 
AC: About 4… I used to dance to my parents’ music!

MK: How old were you when you realized how much you enjoyed music? 
AC: Well in fifth grade I saw Jimi Hendrix play the national anthem… and always wanted to play guitar after that!

MK: What made you want to join a band? 
AC: I love jamming with new musicians!

MK: Who created Turtle Tongue? 
AC: Matt Hawkins and I started jamming in my dorm room sophomore year. We have been friends since sixth grade though, and have always been in bands-just not with each other.

MK: Who are your other band members? 
AC: Matt Hawkins plays guitar and sings, and Cody Vontran plays drum and does spoken word and backup vocals.

MK: What is your position in the band?/What instrument do you play? 
AC: I play guitar, and Matt and I switch off playing solos. I like to play a lot of chords and psychedelic riffs while he shreds! I also sing backups.

MK: How would you describe your band’s sound/genre? 
AC: We play jam music, but we like to rock out. We try to make it grungy and bluesy, but it’s definitely booty-shakin music above all else!

MK: Other than your band, what is your favorite band/favorite artist to listen to? 
AC: I love jam bands like Phish, Umphrey’s McGee and the Grateful Dead. I like contemporary psychedelic like Tame Impala and Black Moth Super Rainbow too.

MK: Who (if anyone) is your musical influence? 
AC: My dad and my girlfriend Julie always have good taste in music. I also love the music of Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles.

MK: Favorite genre of music? 
AC: Jam or Psychedelic definitely!

MK: Does it get stressful to be in a band on top of school and everything else you have to do?
AC: It can be tough to schedule practice and gigs around busy schedules, but we get it done.

MK: Do you want music to ultimately be your career? 
AC: Teaching is my main focus, but I wouldn’t turn down a chance to make it big!

MK: What is your show schedule looking like? 
AC: We are in the process of booking a tour that spans Baltimore to Ohio this summer!

Well, there you have it! If you want to see Andy and the rest of Turtle Tounge, go to Baltimore Soundstage on April 14th! Tickets are only $10 to listen to some great “booty shakin” music as Andy put it earlier. Trust me, you won’t regret it!