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6 Ways to Make Your Dorm Room Feel Bigger

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Leaving for college can be terrifying but realizing your living space has to be shared with one or even two other people just adds stress. Luckily, during my freshman year I lived in one of the largest rooms on campus, but even so sometimes it felt like one of the smallest. Here are a few tips to make your room feel bigger and brighter than ever before. 


1.     Bring only what you need: Bringing thick wool sweaters during summer move-in is a major no-no. No one wants to lug boxes and boxes of sweaters and winter clothes when you’re not going to wear them for months. Bring one or two for a “just-in-case” situation and save that room for more important items. Bring them to school when you go home for Thanksgiving or Winter break for the chillier days. Not only will your space open up with less clothing in it but you’ll soon learn closet space is a valuable thing.

2.     Raise your beds: At Towson all beds (except for Residence Tower) can be raised to fit your dresser underneath. This is can open up some space in your room. You can fit a lot more storage under your bed for items such as food, clothing, extra bedding and much more. Take full advantage of the space underneath but if you’re short don’t forget a step stool!

3.     Keep your windows and blinds open: This will let more light in and open the room. Having a bright room helps brighten your mood without you even knowing it.

4.     Keep a clean room: As obvious as this seems a neat and clean room will make it feel bigger. Making your bed everyday will make your room feel less blah and more wow! People coming into your room will see a neat and put together space and aspire to have a room as big as yours.

5.     Utilize storage containers: Keeping items separate and not in a jumbled mess will help your room feel less cluttered. Put things away after you use them so that you don’t see them every time you walk into the room. It will make it feel like there’s a lot more space than you actually have.

6.     Keep your walls uncluttered: Having a cluttered wall will make it seem smaller than it actually is. Putting up a few pictures or even a bunch in an organized and neat way will help your room feel bigger. If your pictures, posters and other wall items are strewn about your room will feel more cluttered and more cramped.


Erin is a Mass Communications student at Towson University studying Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations. She is the Editor-In-Chief, Campus Correspondent and President of Her Campus Towson. Erin has been writing for Her Campus Towson since fall 2011 and worked as an intern for Sister 2 Sister Magazine in summer 2013. She competed in the 2012 Miss Maryland USA pageant and has since done some print modeling as a hobby.