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6 Essentials For Your School Bag

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

The fall is always a stressful and exciting time to begin a new chapter and year of your life. I have always looked forward to getting new school supplies. Remember those glittery gel pens everyone had to have? Here are some essential products every girl (or guy) needs to have in their bag this year!


1. Chapstick. This seems like a no brainer but during the winter months, your lips will thank you. I would recommend Burt’s Bees Chapstick or Nivea Lip Butter.






2. A cute pencil case will keep your pencils, pens, and erasers together without having them spill all over your bag.  I recommend this one from Urban Outfitters.




3. A Snack. This seems a bit Elementary School, but a craving can strike any time. Kind bars are satisfying and great tasting as well.





4. A Planner. This is a must have for helping with school work and keeping you organized all year long. Here’s a cute one from Target that is eco friendly too!





5. Mints or Gum.  This shouldn’t even be a question. Mentos are the best!


6. Lastly, some makeup. I am a firm believer that less is more but sometimes a little makeup will boost your spirits. Some concealer and face wipes can be very useful. This concealer from Maybelline is amazing!





Have a fantastic year everyone! :)