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What Your Seat On A Plane Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

While some of us hate flying, some dream of the day when the pilot announces that “boarding is complete.”

Either way, we all need a seat on a plane, and what we choose may say more about our character than we think. I’m here to tell you that your seating section choice says a lot about you as a person.

First Class or Comfort Queen?

If your go-to seat is first class, you like comfort, and you like comfort done properly. Whether taking a long-haul flight across the world or a 30-minute flight to avoid dreaded traffic, first class is always your go-to option.

If flying doesn’t come with a side of champagne and a hot towel, what’s the point?

Business Class or Airport Dad?

If you choose business class, there’s a high likelihood you are a dad. And hey, I don’t mean that in a bad way; dads are great!

But you know the group of dads who stand with their laptop bags at their feet and their arms crossed as they wait for their boarding zone to be called? That’s the person you become when you book a business ticket.

Premium Economy or Ego Maniac?

Those who choose premium economy believe they are a head above the rest. Parted by just a tiny curtain, those who sit in the premium economy act as if they are on top of the world.

You know those people who get to board first and shoot you judgemental glances as you bump into them with your carry-on bags on your way to seat 44F… you are that person if you sit in premium seats.

Economy or “Just trying to get to where you want to go?”

Ahh, yes, the economy folk. Some might call us cheap; others might call us plain normal.

We are travellers who just want to get to our destination with no hassle. Most of the time we wing it and let fate decide whether we get an aisle, middle, or window seat.

You are the nonchalant person who puts their headphones in as soon as they sit down and who, more often than not, gets stuck sitting beside a chatty traveller.

Emergency Exit Rows or Frat Boy?

If you handpick the emergency exit rows on a plane, you are most likely a college-aged, sports-obsessed dude who never stops talking about their height.

You don’t hesitate to let everyone know that you have the most amount of legroom on the plane and will be texting your family group chat a photo of how far you can stretch your legs out.

Overall, we are all travelling in the same direction but tend to stick to our habits of comfort and preferences. Whether we want to fly cheaply or with maximum comfort, our choices reveal a lot more about ourselves than we might like to assume.

Abbie North

Toronto MU '25

Abbie is a third-year journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University. She was born in England but raised on Vancouver Island in BC. During her spare time, you can find Abbie writing, finding new recipes to cook, and drinking too much coffee. Travel is Abbie's biggest passion and you can always find her planning her next trip. Find her on Instagram: @abbie_northh