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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

If you’ve ever said you never wanted a genie or a supernatural being to magically appear and say that they will grant you any three wishes, you would be lying. We all want to save a “drowning creature”, hoping it turns into a fairy and helps us for helping them. I think about this too, I do. But what if you do get those wishes? What happens next?

Our brain works in a way where we always want the next best thing and are never satisfied with what we worked for. Even after we become billionaires, we will still want more. Three wishes would never be enough for us anyway.

Let me let you in on a little secret: The wishes you have all been waiting for, have already been granted to you. If we just wait around expecting someone to come along and present your dreams on a silver platter, then it’s time to snap out of that fantasy world. Instead of waiting around for things to happen on their own, we have a chance to make our wishes come true by working for them.

If you really want something in life, manifest it, work for it, appreciate the time and effort that you put into it. If you get what you want just by asking for it, then you will always wish for something else and this cycle will keep on going until you run out of things to wish for. Then what? You just sit around? No struggle. No lessons. No motivation to pass on. So hard work and ambition are key. Make choices in life that give lessons, good and bad. Aspire for more than three wishes and trust me they are already laid out for you. You just have to pull the right strings.

Yanika Saluja

Toronto MU '25

Yanika is a Journalism student at Ryerson University. Her interests include writing, reading, binge watching series and drinking lots and lots of coffee. She feels that she has a unique point of view towards the world and she likes sharing it through her writings. She loves to travel and talking to new people. She can play a little guitar too!