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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

We live in a world where all of our wants and needs are simply a click or tap away. We use our devices for almost everything. But sometimes we end up getting trapped in situations that may upset us. Times like this, we need to be reminded of what happiness and positivity is. For most people they need some sort of escape to leave the real world for just a couple minutes and then resume. For some it may be music, exploring the great outdoors, going on a long drive, or simply picking up a book and zoning out of reality for a bit. However, for others, physical activities and getting outdoors may not be accessible or feel too draining to even attempt. What could be their escape? We all get mentally drained sometimes and don’t realize that our serotonin boost is just a couple of clicks away! Here is a list of amazing Instagram pages that will give you a reminder that you are loved and that your wellness is just as important as anyone else’s.  



Personally, I love their aesthetic. The bold texts, the pop of colours and the beautiful designs really catch your eye. Their posts have simple but powerful messages on how we can carry on with a positive mindset. Sometimes we all need that reminder. I believe that this page gives that serotonin boost through their aesthetics. The use of colours and fonts are associated with happiness and positivity. On our darkest days, we all need some colour to brighten our days up!


Poetic, short, concise and powerful all at the same time. I love coming across Dhiman’s work as it emphasizes the importance of self-love and living life as a simple human being. Through Dhiman’s poetry, I believe many people can get a serotonin boost since they are motivating and encouraging individuals to acknowledge their self-worth. The art of poetry has its calming attributes and brings tranquility, which is an aspect of happiness. If you want something more than just Instagram posts, be sure to check out Dhiman’s new book called You matter.  


I love seeing their posts on my feed, short simple quotes that motivate and remind us to appreciate ourselves and the small things around us. These simple reminders go a long way. Sometimes all we need is a couple of words of wisdom, or encouragement to make us happy. When you’re out and a stranger compliments something about you, it leaves you with a smile on your face and has you thinking about that specific moment all day! I believe the @happihabits page does the same thing. A simple saying like “be good, do good” as shown in the image above, can really put a smile on someone’s face. 


This Instagram page is heart-warming. It comprises cute hand-written messages focusing on different aspects of self-care and wellness. Especially, with the many ups and downs we are all facing as a result of this pandemic, this Instagram page really gives you that dose of happiness and love you may need.


Last but not least, one of my favorite pages ever! I live for his aesthetic, humour and joyful messages. The letter balloons used to make these beautiful posts are eye-catching, to say the least! The use of these letter balloons and bright-colored walls can really get your mind feeling a bit more relaxed and happy. When I see bright colours with encouraging messages it leaves me happy and I don’t know about you but balloons are a surefire way to make me happy! 

Of course, there are many more pages and wonderful influencers out there advocating for self-care and wellness but these are a couple of my favourites. Next time you feel a bit bummed out, try checking out these Instagram pages and hopefully, you’ll feel better!

Friendly reminder: You are loved, you are appreciated and you are worthy. Keep smiling!

Mithushana is a third-year student at Ryerson University. She moved to Toronto when she was 3-years-old from Frankfurt, Germany. Living as a Torontonian for the majority of her life, Mithushana has a special heart for Toronto. She enjoys the city lifestyle and fast-paced energy. Also a huge animal lover! With her strong passion for spreading positivity around the world and as an advocate for wellness and self-care, she wishes to use this platform to voice more goodness into the world. Aspiring to make a change through her writing.
Zainab is a 4th-year journalism student from Dubai, UAE who is the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at Ryerson. When she's not taking photos for her Instagram or petting dogs on the street, she's probably watching a rom-com on Netflix or journaling! Zainab loves The Bold Type and would love to work for a magazine in New York City someday! Zainab is a feminist and fierce advocate against social injustice - she hopes to use her platform and writing to create change in the world, one article at a time.