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Navroz: Persian New Year and Change of Seasons

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Navroz is the Persian New Year and is celebrated on the first day of the spring season. This year, it fell on Tuesday, March 19, on the Georgian calendar. Navroz means “new day” — it’s all about new beginnings.

The story of Navroz dates back to a 3000-year-old Persian festival that takes place on the vernal equinox each year. It’s an official holiday; around 300 million people with diverse backgrounds celebrate this special day in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Russia, and Turkey. 

Navroz, a cherished tradition among Persians worldwide, is a testament to the power of unity and inclusivity. It’s a time when families, friends, and communities, regardless of their backgrounds, come together in a spirit of harmony and acceptance to welcome the change of season with open hearts and well-wishes. 

Customs include preparing New Year’s special foods like Somnak and Sabzi Polo with fish, baking sweet pastries, visiting family and friends, house cleaning, shopping, and, most importantly, preparing a Haft Seen table.    

The Haft Seen table, a centrepiece of Navroz celebrations, is not just a table but a fascinating symbol of Persian culture. It’s adorned with seven items, each starting with the letter S and holds a special place in the hearts of families as they gather around to celebrate Navroz. 

The Haft Seen table includes a bowl of water with goldfish, a mirror, candles, an apple, fresh flowers, coins, a book of wisdom, like the Quran, and painted eggs. Everything has a significant meaning; for example, vinegar represents age, wisdom, and patience. Senjed is a fruit of love, and coins imply prosperity and fortune. 

Navroz, a time of transition from winter’s bitterness to the warmth of spring, is more than just a change of season. It’s a powerful reminder of the potential for renewal, a chance to reflect on our journeys, and an opportunity to set new goals. It’s a spiritual revitalization, a time to give thanks for divine blessings, and a moment to extend our hearts and smiles to those who are alone. It’s a time to make resolutions for the new year, inspiring us to strive for a better future. 

Happy Navroz! May everyone have a year filled with happiness, health, love, joy, prosperity, and success!

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Mijgon Azim

Toronto MU '25

A student at TMU.