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Losing Weight or Losing Faith?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

When it comes to the issue of losing weight, it is most often accompanied by a lot of stress. Every article, program or infomercial based on weight loss deals with buying the right tools for weight loss. There’s no clear-cut solution as to how to get the job done. There’s so much to believe in. There’s too many options. It’s supposed to be a fun journey for you, a moment of self-discovery but it almost always turns into a self-loathing debacle. Many of the times it would turn into a money grabbing contest for competitors with one having to spend money unnecessarily on things like the revolutionary fat blasting “thin tea”, the new pure Garcinia Cambogia weight loss pills, or even the new painless liposuction procedure. These fads live out their time in the media especially with major Youtubers, vloggers and bloggers endorsing and sharing their love for these products and encouraging viewers and subscribers to use them. This problem maybe at the fault of this generation as well. Living in the most materialistic era, we tend to look for quick results in commodities, than working for those results. Especially since everything we need to buy is a mere click away on sites like Amazon or eBay. We tend to buy our way out.

One sure fire way of losing weight is the old trick of getting sick or going through a stressful situation. Isn’t it ironic that a lot of people lose weight and supposedly look good after going through something horrendous, like a bad break up or a viral flu. When in fact it was a terrible time for them, society compliments their “new body” even though they’ve come out of such a situation quite scathed. In contrast, when one really tries to lose weight especially after neglecting their body for so long, it just doesn’t work out or requires a lot more energy. We all know someone who goes on liquid diets or tries out the new military diet every once in a while. A few weeks later they claim that the diet didn’t work out while digging into a Big Mac. Maybe this is just one of the ironies of life, things not going the way you want when you want it to but when you’re being beaten to a pulp by some virus or some terrible ordeal you come out of it a few pounds lighter. 

So the question boils down to this: Which way is the right way to go? Going to the gym or eating healthy? Many articles would support the conclusion that a balance of working out and eating healthy would help one achieve in losing weight. As much as it is true that this technique would work with the right attitude, finding that right attitude is possibly the hardest one on the list. Weight watchers may exist, composing those custom made weight loss plans starting from $9.99 and upwards per month, however if you don’t possess the right attitude to uplift your spirits, your drive and your motivation, no muscle in your body will be willing to move in the right direction.  

So here’s the scoop, there’s no real clear cut way to lose weight. There are so many factors to consider, so much money to spend and so many different choices. The key is to take it step by step, sporting the right attitude at all times. It’s not just about going to the gym and eating right but mastering the will to go to the gym and eat right. A little goes a long way. Don’t just give up on eating chocolate right then and there, give it up little by little or concentrate on eating just one little piece per night, whatever suits you. Don’t let the binging desire build up. We’ve all heard about portion control but what about a portion control in your lifestyle? Give yourself time. It will work out with practice, step by step, only with your will, motivation and determination. 


Law and business undergraduate. Family and faith above all ! Inspire yourself through the actions you do.
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