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Campus Celebrity: Linh Nguyen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Linh Nguyen ran as a candidate during the 2015 and 2014 provincial elections and is currently in her last year at Ryerson University’s international economics and finance program. Here’s what Nguyen had to say about running in the election while completing her degrees at Ryerson.

What position(s) do you hold at the Green Party of Canada?

Deputy Leader, Green Party of Ontario

MPP candidate, Mississauga East-Cooksville, 2014 provincial election                                               

Youth critic, shadow cabinet, Green Party of Canada

Immigration & citizenship critic, shadow cabinet, Green Party of Canada

MP candidate, Mississauga Centre

Do you think students have affected your election?

Students and the youth demographic became my focus. The campaign developed into something much bigger than increasing votes and the Green profile, but it became a channel to reach the voices that are often left behind: our very own. My generation. The language I chose to use and the areas we chose to canvass had changed; we knew we were part of the next wave of Canadian politician.

What issues do you think they should be paying more attention to?

It’s hard to say. With the level of digital access we have to information, our generation is living in a very unique and critical time. Because of this, I truly believe we’ve recognized how interconnected these issues are. Whether it’s protecting our civil liberties or fragile environment, we’re finding new ways to have our voices heard. We’re very connected to what matters to us. I don’t believe the label of ‘apathy’ belongs to us.

Do you find it difficult to manage all of this with school work?

There’s a reason why we don’t see more students running for office. I had to take a leave of absence from my studies for the year. It was too difficult to find a balance. I was also lucky to have a workplace that provided great flexibility getting closer to Election Day.

What advice would you like to give those who wish to follow in your footsteps?

You’re going to make mistakes, be hard on yourself but understand how to let it go. I’m still learning this for myself. I’m fortunate for the people I have in my life (and in particular, my parents) because they don’t let me give up. 

How can students get more involved?

Start participating in challenging conversations – in workshops, conferences, and on campus events. Opportunities can occur when you’re able to explore unknown spaces and challenge your emotional and intellectual boundaries. We all have different capacities to make change, to get involved, but it’s a matter of determining what speaks and works for you.   

Is there anything else you would like to say?

When you find your voice, share it and take others with you.

Noella Ovid

Toronto MU '18

Noella was the News/Current Events editor at Her Campus Ryerson. She graduated Ryerson’s School of Journalism in 2018.
Ben Samuels

Toronto MU '16

Benjamin is a reluctant third-year English major at Ryerson University and the newly minted Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Ryerson.You can reach Benjamin on twitter and instagram @iamsashagay, and by email at benjaminkent@hercampus.com