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To Do at UT: Start planning Spring Break ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tennessee chapter.

Spring break is one of the best experiences one can have as a college student., and it’s coming up fast! Panama City Beach seems to be the main attraction for college students. However, there are several other options out there for any budget. Here are some tips for having a great spring break.

If you are “broke”:

I am assuming most students are in this category. In my opinion, studentcity.com has some great deals to many spring break locations such as PCB, Cancun, Las Vegas and the Bahamas. They offer a variety of trip packages including volunteer and adventure trips.  Most packages include flight and hotels, so it is pretty hassle-free. Student city can make spring break how you want it.  If you want to book your own flight for destinations, Travelocity and Priceline are also great options.

If flights are too expensive for you, there are many destinations within driving distance. Gatlinburg has several attractions such as skiing, zip lining and mountain climbing. Booking with a large group of people can guarantee you a cheap, fun week with friends.  Asheville is also a city that is relatively close. If you aren’t looking to spend a week somewhere, Asheville is the perfect place to explore on a day trip.

If you have some money to spend:

Though this does not apply to most of us, for those of you who do have some money to spend, I would suggest travelling abroad. All you need is a passport and a plane ticket. Make sure you get your passport very soon since delivery takes 4-6 weeks. Many airlines offer international flights to travel destinations such as Paris, Rome, and London. College is a great time to experience other cultures and explore the world before your student debts pile up.