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10 Things that Lasted Longer than Kim Kardashian’s Wedding: UTK Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tennessee chapter.

We know what you’re thinking: “If they can’t make it, no one can!” Their connection was kismet, and the love was more obvious between these two people than ever…on television. But the sad truth is that all good things must come to an end. Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries’ marriage ended after 72 days, and in lieu of that, the online world has created a new trend of hash tagging things that lasted longer than the starlet’s wedding. We’ve compiled a list of 10 things that lasted longer than the Kardashian/Humphries’ wedded bliss, specified to UTK Collegiettes™.

10 Things that lasted longer in Knoxville than Kim Kardashian’s Marriage

10. The amount of times the Rock is painted… in a week.

9. The number of days the old OCI building has been empty.

8. The number of days Panchos stayed in business.

7. The line to get into Three Spoons on free yogurt day.

6. The amount of time most people’s cars had hail damage after last semester’s storm.

5. The amount of time Losers was on the strip.

4. The number of words in “Rocky Top.”

3. Tyler Bray’s 81 yard touchdown pass against Montana.

2. The amount of days this year’s Freshman class has been at UT.

1. Lane Kiffin’s reign as head coach of UT football.