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Word on the street!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

This week in the news:

1.       The case of Kendrick Johnson, the 17-year-old Valdosta Georgia teen who was found dead in a rolled-up gym mat, developed further when the family discovered his buried body was stuffed with newspaper.

2.       A bizarre motorcycle accident is turning into an entire investigation. One motorcyclist was paralyzed and the driver was beat by the injured cyclist’s comrades when the driver of an SUV accidentally hit one cyclist and sped off. A video captured the whole scene.

3.       The debt ceiling looms as Congress failed to agree on a resolution at their most recent meeting. The failed agreement, however, seems to have yielded a positive result, however, because it has opened a “productive conversation.” 

4.       As the government shutdown drags on, there are a few very scary things that have happened, are happening, and will happening if the shutdown continues.

5.       In continuing with our theme concerning Temple news, we made the #2 spot on the list of the top 10 most dangerous colleges in the U.S

Photo Credit: http://uptownmagazine.com/files/2013/05/uptown-kendrick-johnson.jpg





Layla is a senior magazine journalism student with a passion for politics, cultural events and of course, shopping, with aspirations of working as an on staff writer at a major magazine in NYC.Believe it or not, Layla enjoys working out (if you know her, you'd probably say not) but can't seem to find time for it this semester with her semi-hectic schedule (no excuse, she knows). She also loves shopping, getting out of the city, hanging out with friends, playing instruments and singing, and dancing even though she sucks at it!Follow her on twitter @laylajayla, on Instagram @baelay and on her blog at loafersnlipstick.tumblr.com!