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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

If you have trouble falling asleep or can’t sleep through the night I suggest taking melatonin. I often take melatonin right after taking a shower and about 15-20 minutes before getting ready for sleep. It works fast so make sure your alarms are set, skincare is on, your devices are on the charger, and finish your nightly routine before taking it. You can get it in the form of gummies or pills but I recommend the gummies because they taste like you’re eating candy. If the taste of candy didn’t convince you to try it, maybe the benefits of it will. 

It’s a natural sleep aid that can help with issues like insomnia while improving your sleep. I don’t have insomnia, but in my experience, it has helped me fall asleep easier and stay asleep rather than waking up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “Research shows that a supplement may help people with insomnia fall asleep slightly faster and may have bigger benefits for those with delayed sleep phase syndrome—falling asleep very late and waking up late the next day” When trying melatonin, John Hopkins sleep expert Luis F. Buenaver recommends only using it on a short-term basis. This can range from any issues such as wanting to overcome jet lag, having to wake up early, or going to bed early, for school or work. I truly only take melatonin when I have had a long day and want to get to bed as fast as possible because there’s nothing worse than being exhausted and having your body fight to sleep. 

If you’re going to try the supplement, use it wisely and know when to stop using it. I recommend using it every other day or every 2 days because your body may get used to it if you’re using it every day. If your body gets used to it, it won’t have the same effect, resulting in it not helping you sleep. If melatonin doesn’t have any effect on your sleeping habits and you aren’t noticing a difference after a week or two, stop taking it. If you continue to have sleeping problems, you should be seeing a doctor to find a solution. 

Overall, I recommend taking melatonin to solve small sleeping problems. It’s helped me by relaxing my body before going to sleep which gets me sleeping longer. If you’re still feeling unsure about taking a sleeping supplement I suggest doing your research or asking your doctor what solution they’d recommend. There’s no harm in asking questions and learning more about something that can improve your sleeping habits. 

Hi everyone! I'm Jonaira, a junior at Temple University studying journalism. I am passionate about fashion, beauty, finding new restaurants to eat at, and finding new series to binge. You can follow me @nairamiche on Instagram.