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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

At first this question was hard because I believe both are equally important. I contemplated the essence of my relationships with my family, friends, and my boyfriend. As I reflected upon the love I receive from them, I realized how deeply appreciated and comforted I am by their affection. Feeling supported and valued for who I am has been a source of motivation throughout my life. 

While being loved is undeniably gratifying and brings me immense happiness, I strongly believe that the act of loving is even more fulfilling.  

Love is an integral part of what it means to be human, encompassing qualities such as understanding, empathy, and kindness. To me, these attributes lay the foundation for establishing and progressing connections with others. Love’s significance transcends borders and unifies us in strong communities worldwide– its power knows no bounds. 

To love does not solely mean showering others with affection, but also means extending love to yourself. For me, self-love is the paramount of expressing love.  

By cultivating understanding, empathy, and kindness towards yourself, I believe you can become stronger in all aspects of life. With self-love, you don’t have to rely on others to fill you up with the love you have already poured into yourself.  

It is inevitable that those we love may hurt us. However, the power to heal and recover from that is within our own selves. Picking yourself up by knowing your own worth and the treatment you deserve is important to be able to move forward. 

Within each of us, there are endless reasons to love ourselves- and there are also flaws. But you should embrace and accept who you are fully–flaws and all–while continuously striving to grow.  

So, I encourage you to be your own valentine this Valentine’s Day. Remember to give the same love and compassion to yourself that you give to others. Let it be a celebration of self-love, filled with appreciation of your uniqueness. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth with self-love being at the root of everything you do.  

“To love and be loved is to feel the sunshine from both sides” -David Viscott 

For some more ways you can practice self-love this holiday: 

  1. Take yourself on a date. Check out that restaurant you found on TikTok, visit a museum, or (my personal favorite) go on a shopping spree! 
  1. Have a spa day. I know personally, as a student, it’s easy to get caught up in work- so take the time to pamper yourself! 
  1. Disconnect and reflect. Take some time off social media and go for a walk, journal, or do something that lets you be alone with yourself.  
  1. Make a Valentine’s Day meal. Try out a fun recipe this holiday! I know I want to try making those heart pizzas I’ve been seeing everywhere. 
  1. Write down reasons why you love yourself. Like those cute DIY gifts, write down some reasons why you love yourself and put it in a jar to save as positive reminders for a future you.
Jadyn Howard

Temple '25

Hi everyone! I'm Jadyn, a junior journalism student at Temple University. I love to write articles for Her Campus based on my own firsthand experiences and fit that into the bigger picture! Outside of Her Campus, I interned for Temple Office of Global Engagement and Resolve Philly.