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Tips for Getting the Perfect Eyebrow  

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Read more to finally get that “on-fleek” eyebrow you’ve been wanting! 

Eyebrows. Some people shudder with fear at the very thought of having to deal with them. Brows can be difficult to handle, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they’re too coarse, too thin, or just won’t sit right. However, with the proper care and guidance, you can finally get those perfect brows you’ve always dreamed of.  

The Products: 

There are so many brow products out there in the beauty world that it can get overwhelming. So, here’s a simple breakdown.  

One product that is necessary for many is a brow pencil. Brow pencils allow you to fill in areas of your brows that might be lacking— giving you that perfect, full-brow look. For an affordable yet quality option, I recommend the L’Oreal Paris Brow Stylist Definer, which can be found at many retail and drug stores.  

However, not everyone will need brow pencils, especially people with thicker, fuller brows. This is where brow gel comes in. I personally have thicker eyebrows, and let me tell you, they can get unruly. For a long time, I struggled with getting them to look how I wanted to, but brow gel allowed me to get my eyebrows to “stand up” straighter, giving them a more sophisticated edge.  

The great thing about brow gel is that it comes in a variety of shades, meaning people with lighter brows can go for a darker, fuller look if they want to. However, it also comes in a clear shade, for those who don’t want to necessarily change their brow color when taming them. I personally recommend the NYX Control Freak Brow Gel, which ensures your brows won’t budge.  

The Methods: 

Eyebrow care is tough. That’s why it’s important to learn some vital tips to keep those brows looking great. For people with thicker, coarser brows, conditioning is your best friend. Many people neglect to condition their brows, which keeps them rough and bristly. Conditioning not only makes them look and feel softer, but also makes them easier to tame.  

Lots of conditioners specific to eyebrows, however, are very expensive- which is why regular hair conditioner is the way to go. Just brush some through with a spoolie, wait for five minutes, and rinse for softer, nicer brows.  

For those with thinner brows, eyebrow serum can stimulate hair growth, giving you more to work with. With eyebrow serums, you can just brush a little bit through your brows with a spoiler before bed, and you’re good to go.  

Brow serums also often double as serum for your eyelashes, giving you an extra bang for your buck. I would recommend The Ordinary’s Multi-Peptide Lash and Brow Serum, which leaves your brows looking full and healthy.  

When plucking, make sure to always do it from the bottom of your brow, where the hair grows from. Not doing so could end up resulting in your worst brow nightmare. Additionally, when trimming stray hairs, make sure to trim a little bit off at a time, so that you avoid over-trimming. Over-trimming can result in stunted-looking, patchy brows.  

Eyebrows are hard to handle— trust me, I know. But with the proper care and products, you can accentuate one of the most noticeable features on your face. Whether you’re trimming, plucking, conditioning, or filling, I wish you luck in your eyebrow adventures. 

Hey! My name is Ella, and I was born in Omaha, Nebraska. I love to write, paint, draw, and read. I’m a fashion and beauty writer for Her Campus at Temple University!