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Amelia Kramer-Coffee Shop Date Booke Glasses Latte Cozy
Amelia Kramer-Coffee Shop Date Booke Glasses Latte Cozy
Amelia Kramer / Her Campus
Wellness > Mental Health

Solo Dates: The Case For Taking Yourself Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

All of the best love stories are only the best because the lead learns something new about themselves by the end of it. Through a whirlwind romance, the lead experiences a new world or their own world in ways that they had not seen it before. The thing that these stories don’t tell you is that you can find true love through knowing yourself. Why wait for someone to take you out? Taking yourself out on a date can lead you to enlightenment and happiness. You can bring romance to your own life!

Step 1: Preparation

When you prepare for a date, you plan the perfect outfit. So, when you plan this date go all out! Wear something that makes you say “damnnn” when you look in the mirror. This is your chance to go as wild as possible with your look! Have you ever heard someone say “I think she wears too much makeup”? Well if you want to draw flames over your eyebrows like in a makeup tutorial you saw on youtube, or go all out with a full glitter look;  then now is your time to do it! Plan an outfit based on your plans! If you want to wear jeans and a plain tee and go to the movies, do it! Just be sure to buy your tickets in advance if you’re checking out something you really want to see. If you want to go to a fancy restaurant and sit at the bar, wear your best pencil skirt and leather jacket! This is your day, so it’s your chance to be whoever you want to be!  

Step 2: The Day Out 

  1. The day starts when you want it to because you don’t have anyone relying on you to be on time. Wake up when you want to! Take your time doing your makeup and getting dressed! 

  2. You can take yourself out on a typical date; dinner or a movie. If you don’t want to do that then this is your chance to do something that others may consider to be boring. Take a walk around a bookstore, go window shopping and walk out empty handed, or be a cheap date and go for a walk around your neighborhood. You can create a playlist to listen to during your solo date or listen to a podcast. Or- opt for no soundtrack to your solo date- because it’s always nice to listen to the world around you and pay attention to things you may normally ignore. 

  3. Dedicate the day to reorganizing your space. Take the day to buy new things for your room. Not only is it fun to buy new things and watch your space come together-at the end of the date you will feel like you made productive use of your time! You can either split your day between buying things and decorating. Or you can spend the entire day just shopping!

  4. Paint! You don’t need to be Picasso to pick up a brush and add color to whatever you want. You can find a business in your community which provides you with paint materials, pottery and clean quiet space. Their are even some places that will guide you through a painting of your choosing so when you leave, you’ll have a special piece of art to commemorate your day and be proud of. Or, you can even build your own little art studio and take yourself to a nice park and paint outside! Everyone is creative in some way, and doing something with your hands will give you peace of mind.

Whatever you do, eat whatever you want! Make it a cheat day! Eat all of the snacks and sweets you want! Do what makes you happy! 

Step 3: The Best Part 

As if this day that you have mapped out for yourself could get any better. Do you want to know the best part? You get to go home at the time that you want!  If you do decide to go out for the day, it begins and ends when you please. After a day of shopping, cheat day-ing, and doing what you want to do, you can go home at 7 and catch The Bachelor at 8! By the end of the day you will be feeling refreshed and so much more comfortable spending time with yourself. There is a stigma about going out to eat or to the movies alone. Don’t let it stop you from getting much needed alone time! You learn so much about yourself during the time you spend alone, and ultimately spending time with yourself is a great way to practice self care and get comfortable with just being by yourself!



Maya Sims is a writer native to the Philadelphia area. She studies film and media studies at Temple University graduating in spring 2020. She has a passion for storytelling that has led her to writing in all mediums. Maya is currently producing a short film for a script she wrote and has published pieces in Harness Community and FEM*S Zine.
Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!