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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

If you’re wondering if you should change up your skincare routine for the winter this is your sign. The cold winter months and brutal Philadelphia winds show no mercy on your skin so make sure to take extra precautions to keep that skin looking healthy and glowing!

1. Turn on your Humidifier

Chances are that during the cold winter months you’ll want to stay cozy in your room, but watch out because your heater could be the culprit for your dry skin. Heating systems pump warm dry air into your room so make sure you balance out the dryness with some moisture from a humidifier.  Additionally, lowering the heater to 68º-72º and throwing on a hoodie to keep warm will save the air in your house from getting even drier AND help save on that utility bill.

2. Check Your Skincare Labels

Before bulking up on moisturizers and cleansers make sure to check the ingredients list as they can often cause more harm than help. Look for products marked as ‘fragrance-free’ and stay away from petroleum based products. Additionally, limit your use of bar soaps as they have a tendency to dry out skin. Look for oil-based rather than a water-based products to help re-moisturize your skin!

3. Moisturize (duh!)

According to Dr. Stein Gold, “It’s best to use a cream or ointment in the winter. Lotions are better in warmer, humid climates.” and although you should always wash your hands (especially during flu and cold season) be wary of over washing your hands as hand soaps have a tendency to dry out your hands.

4. Watch Your Shower Temperature

Although we want nothing more than to jump into a steaming shower after coming in from the cold, make sure you’re not going overboard with the heat in your shower as it “…can create cracks in the surface of the skin. Hot water evaporates fast, and if the skin is not immediately moisturized, the cracks in the skin let the skin nerves get exposed to air” according to dermatologist Dr. Purvisha Patel. A good rule of thumb is if your shower causes your skin to turn red, it’s too hot.

5. Swear by Your Serums

Serums have some amazing moisturizing and anti-aging benefits and make sure to grab one with hyaluronic acid which will turn your skin into the best moisturized and glowing version it can be. Apply before your moisturizer to allow your skin to absorb the product see the best results!

Controlling your skin in the winter can be hard, but follow these tips to have ~flawless~ skin!


-Mary Chatfield-Stiehler