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Sex and The City of Brotherly Love: “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

When Sex and the City appeared on HBO thirteen years ago it took off like wildfire among the female population.  The show was simple in concept-it centered around the lives of four best friends navigating through life in their mid-thirties.  And life for these four women purely meant LOVE.  It was the voice of main character Carrie Bradshaw, a relationship author which hooked one to the series.  Carrie revealed the most personal aspects of her love and casual sex life through her writing. 
For we all know this crazy little game of love is full of questions which no matter how hard one tries has no definative answers.  Sex and the City brought to light love in a humerous and airy way.  It allowed for individuals to feel hopefully the least bit better about their own love life- for it showed one they are not alone in their quest for understanding relationships.

You might be sitting, reading my review of this cable television show thinking “what is she trying to get at here?”  Allow me to explain…
Sex and the City detailed women in their thirties baffeled by relationships- but isn’t it the same for us?  We collegiettes, women in our late teens and early to mid twenties are just as baffeled and I dare say even more so baffeled by the world of relationships.  Men, no lets call them boys, have made my head spin more than my very own major-neuroscience; now I think that is saying a lot!  However, I will say (Hold your gasp please) that we collegettes do the exact same to men.  We mess with their heads unintentionally, ah who am I kidding-sometimes intentionally.
So if we are constantly popping motrin to slow the spinning, I often wonder why we are so consumed with wanting, being in or trying to figure out relationships.  Well, recently I believe I have uncovered an answer to that question-here is the hilarious part too- my answer comes from a member of the male species (humm, maybe I’ll have to give them a little more credit here and there).
I was riding alongside a beautiful boy one day (I’m not joking about beautiful-picture a mix between the classic George Clooney and and the adorable Matt Damon with the added in personality of Patrick Dempsey as McDreamy in Grey’s Anatomy) and he stated to me as plain as day that the majority of life when all said and done for him comes down to love.  I was so taken back by the comment;-it could be because I was not expecting it what-so –ever; but, maybe more so because the statement while appearing so deep at the root is very simple.  Life is Love.

The feeling of intimacy, of wanting and being wanted; to understanding someone and being understood by another makes the day all the more worthwild.  We ride this relationship rollercoaster of extreme ups and downs and we hope with ever particle of our being that when the ride comes to a stop it will have been better than even our wildest dreams.  We pray we will have found that special connection with an individual which allows the emotion of love which brings happiness and bliss.
I have come to think that at the end of each day all anyone really desires is to be more than content; rather happy and content (think about it- there definitely is a difference between being just content and being happy along with it).  Love and relationships as much as they cause heartache and periods of pure and utter suckiness-at the same time have fleeting moments of rainbows and butterflies, of joy.  And no matter how few and far between, make taking a chance on the emotion or comsuming one in the game completely worth it. 

Taking a page out of the book of Carrie Bradshaw, I have decided to open up a dialog for relationships geared for us collegettes.  Cause here is the way I see it…maybe Sex and the City had the right thought- maybe if we talk openly about relationships, even if we are complete strangers, our heads will stop spinning or at least slow down in rotations.  Maybe we will feel a little more normal, maybe we will learn we’re not the only person going through these idiodic situations and just maybe we will find a piece of mind and heart filled with delight. 
So lets cheer to past, current and future relationship.  Let’s raise a glass (a tall, very large glass of wine) to that “crazy little thing called love,” to the emotion that gives life meaning.
Until my next bumbly ramble; keep a smile on your face for it helps your heart beat strong. 



Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!