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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Singer ROLE MODEL released a new Ep, Our Little Angel, and I simply could not be more thrilled. I will be ranking the songs on his EP from my favorite to my least favorite (don’t let that fool you, even if it’s my least favorite, it’s still good). 


In ‘doyouseeit,’ ROLE MODEL talks about creating romantic scenarios in your head about the person you have feelings for or are in a relationship with. When things are going well in a relationship or with someone we care about, we tend to create these situations in our heads that are not always obtainable or even realistic, but we don’t care. When you’re happy with someone, these dreams don’t seem that distant from reality. 



In ‘blind,’ he sings about falling for someone you’ve only ever seen on the Internet and have never actually met. We live in the age of media and we often feel we know so much about a person before ever meeting them, simply because of their various profiles online. I think it’s fair to say we live in the age of falling for people just by looking at them, especially with dating apps being such prevalent factors in our society. The song is all about seeing this person and being like “wow they are unlike anyone I’ve ever seen, but I just know we’d connect.” 

going out

‘going out’ is all about being a homebody and not wanting to go out and party. ROLE MODEL sings about not only never wanting to go out and party, but the different type of people you encounter on a night out. Wanting to stay in and steer away from the rowdy crowds of people is something everyone can relate to, especially due to our current climate. Oftentimes, it can feel like a hassle to try and put out the effort to go and do any type of social interaction and can tend to feel like a burden.   

better the first time

‘better the first time’ is all about reflecting on a relationship that has run its course. When in a relationship, whether it be on a platonic level or romantic, we tend to reflect on the beginning of that relationship. In the beginning, things tend to be fun and easy going since life hasn’t really kicked in yet. When things go wrong, we’re left thinking about when things felt right and wondering how we got to the point we’re at now.  

for the people in the back

In ‘for the people in the back,’ ROLE MODEL talks about not needing other people to make you happy and learning to be okay with just being by yourself. We live in a society now where people are never truly comfortable being alone, especially in the age of social media where we are constantly reminded of other people’s lives and what they are doing and who they are with. Learning to be independent is one of the hardest things yet one of the most important things we learn in our lives. We can’t rely on others for happiness, but rather, we have to find it within ourselves and be okay with who we are.  


‘alive’ is the opening song on the EP and helps to establish a theme of finding happiness and opening the door to a new outlook on life. The song is all about looking at life in a more positive and bright light while coming out of a spot of darkness. 

The overall tone of Our Little Angel is one of upbeat songs while dealing with things that feel like they can take a drain on your life. ROLE MODEL does a good job of this by showing how even when you feel drained in a situation or area of your life, you should try to see the goodness and the light, hence the upbeat songs. I’m a fan of ROLE MODEL’s other work, such as ‘gucci chair’ and ‘notice me,’ so it was nice to see his music have a more hopeful theme in it. If you are ever in the mood for new music, I would highly recommend listening to this EP and even checking out some of his other songs!

Madison North is a Film and Media Arts major with a concentration in Screenwriting at Temple University.
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!