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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Ladies, I know many of us love to pamper ourselves with a lovely trip to the nail salon every chance we can get. For some of us, it makes us feel good and complete when our nails are done. But when you’re a full-time college student, it can be hard to continuously visit the salon to get a refill or just a manicure. One of the best solutions is using press-on nails. 

As many people choose to use acrylic nails or dipped solutions, sometimes using press-on nails can be a quick and easy alternative to your routine. For a lot of us, we grew up using press-on nails first before getting a full set of nails. Bringing back the use of press-on nails could save a lot of money in your pockets. Just by driving to your nearest drug store or Target, you can find different packs of nails to choose from all ranging in sizes, colors, and shapes. They are usually priced from 3 to 15 dollars and come with over 25 nails to continually use. When you purchase one you like the most, all you have to do is use the glue that the kit provides and place the fake nails on your real nails. Some cool customizations that can be done with press-on nails are painting them with your favorite nail polish or adding gems. There are some pros and cons with press-on nails, but at least you didn’t spend close to 40 dollars to get your nails professionally done. The nails usually last close to two weeks without reapplying glue. Just using press-on nails could be saving you a lot of money and can even become an enjoyable activity. 

Considering that a pandemic is still occurring, some people might also feel uncomfortable getting their nails done at a salon. With so many tools being used on our hands and on other people, it can be unsure whether they’re being sanitized. Overall, besides being a safe option, press-on nails are so convenient and worth the try when you want to save money.  

I’m Taylor Carmichael and I’m an Senior Journalism Major at Temple University. I’m all about happiness and living life to the absolute fullest. I enjoy dressing out of my comfort zone and taking tons of cute photos. If I’m not sticking my head in the books I’m enjoying time with my friends and going on memorable adventures. I’m outgoing, love to make people laugh and just having a good time.
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!