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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Manifestation is a spiritual connection that you have with the universe, where you are able to attract what it is that you want. There are various ways to manifest, and tips to help your manifestations even stronger, but not every method works for people. In order to figure out what works for you, you need to try different things out and see if you get results. In order to properly manifest, you must be in the right mindset–physically and emotionally. This is a very powerful tool that works for so many people, so keep reading for some tips and tricks on how to manifest things into your life! 

Getting into the right mindset

In order to properly manifest you must be open and receptive to the universe, and really feel a connection with it. This is not something that you can just quickly write down and say that you did your manifesting–you need to allow yourself to be open to possibility and have the confidence that what you want will come true.

Setting the Mood

Yes, you read that right! If you want your manifesting to be more powerful, then set the mood for yourself. You can dim some of the lights, light a candle, sit down somewhere alone that is peaceful and quiet, and even have some crystals next to you if you have them. There are also various playlists on Spotify that have manifesting sounds to help you out more. (Just search: manifestation and a bunch of playlists will pop up!). 


I personally really like this method, and I’ve found that it makes me feel the best afterwards. Scripting is writing a letter to the universe where you already have everything that you want. Let’s say you want to manifest that you’ll have a certain internship next semester; you would write a letter to the universe talking about how you love your internship and thanking the universe for bringing it into your life. For this method, it is best to be as specific as possible (specific names, etc). When writing your letter, you also need to make sure to describe how these things make you feel. (I am so happy at my internship, I am learning so many new skills…). Always make sure to thank the universe at the end and try to feel the emotions associated with what you’re manifesting as you are writing the letter! 

Vision Boards

Another popular method for manifesting is creating a vision board. This allows you to physically see what it is that you want, and it’s a great way to remind yourself how badly you want these certain things. For example, let’s say you want to manifest that you will live in New York City one day; you can put pictures of the city on your vision board and pictures of yourself on there too, and things you would want to be doing and having while you are there. I would definitely recommend this method if you are a visual person and don’t enjoy writing things down. 

The 3-6-9 Method

This is a great method of manifesting because it forces you to have the manifestation on your mind at various times throughout the day. When you wake up in the morning, write down your manifestation 3 times. Then, during the middle of the day, re-write it down 6 times. Lastly, before you go to bed, write down the manifestation again, 9 times. This method is great because your manifestation will be on your mind a lot throughout the day, creating a more powerful connection between you, your manifestation, and the universe.  

Manifesting isn’t for everyone, and you definitely need to be in the right headspace before manifesting, but once you start it, you’ll never want to stop! The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that really works, and if you want something badly enough, the universe will give it to you. Whether one of the methods above works for you, or you find another way to manifest, just make sure that you are always being open and receptive to what the universe brings into your life–whether it’s good or seemingly bad, the universe has a plan for all of us!

I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!