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The Planned Parenthood Controversy: Does “Defunded” Mean “Doomed?”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.
There has been a lot of discussion surrounding the idea of defunding Planned 
Parenthood. The legislation being proposed on the subject are just measures being 
taken in order to place women in a box and continue to cultivate our society’s 
patriarchal system. 
We live in a patriarchal world—one that caters to and is ruled by men. Women, 
because of this, have been perpetually tied to their reproductive organs. Seen as 
sexual entities that produced children and were there to be impregnated by the 
man, women’s bodies were controlled by men. Historically, women did not have 
access to procedures, resources or medications to control her reproductive health.  
This controlled relationship between men and women has translated into the 
modern world. 
This historic relationship rears its ugly head when it comes to the issue of abortion 
and women’s reproductive health. Something that was once controlled by the man 
has gradually become something a woman can take care of herself. She does not 
need a man to get pregnant, she can use birth control to prevent herself from getting 
pregnant, she can raise a child on her own without the help of a man and she has 
control over how she chooses to take care of her reproductive health. This causes 
men to feel uncomfortable because of the loss of their historic control over women. 
Of course, not all men feel this way and there is a large amount of men who are in 
favor of a woman’s right to choose, whether it be regarding abortion or 
reproductive health in general. However, it’s important to recognize are the patterns 
in place. Men are in fact the ones creating the majority of the legislation regarding 
women’s health. Considering the historic patterns of men’s control over women, we 
need to be careful of how women are being represented when it comes to issues 
related to their bodies. 
resources to prevent unintended pregnancies, provide pap tests and breast exams, 
treat and test for sexually transmitted diseases and provide programs that educate 
people on the subject nationwide. Three percent of the listed services include 
abortions, leaving the overwhelming majority of the services to providing affordable 
healthcare to people who need it. 
The national mania over the issue of abortion causes that three percent to create an 
upheaval in the Republican Party. This steers the argument away from Planned 
Parenthood and towards abortion exclusively, which ignores the potentially 
devastating loss of other services provided by the organization. 
Federal funding provided to the organization, however, is restricted under United 
States law to only “be used for abortions [if] the pregnancy threatens the woman’s 
life or was caused by rape or incest” according to Ms. Richards in an article 
regarding the subject. This crumbles the Republican’s argument that Planned 
Parenthood should be defunded because they do not want federal money being used 
for abortions. Most of the federal money is in fact being used on the 97 other 
percent of services provided by the organization unless an abortion falls within 
those confines. 
Without Planned Parenthood, not only would millions of people be without sexual 
and reproductive healthcare, but also taking away this organization would limit 
women’s ability to gain access to affordable healthcare services. In an article by the 
Washington Post, Cecile Richards, the president of the organization is quoted 
stating, “In their obsession with attacked women’s access to health care, extreme 
members of Congress would take basic health care away from people who need it 
most—those who are struggling to get by, who rely on Medicaid or have no health 
insurance, and those who live in areas with few medical options.” 
The legislation concerning the defunding of Planned Parenthood is not the first to be 
introduced by men in regards to having control over women. It is no different than 
their use of legislation to prevent women from voting or owning property. This is a 
trend that is threaded throughout history where men instate legislation that, in 
some way or another, puts women in a box. 
The Blunt Amendment, which was proposed in 2012 and sponsored by male senator 
Roy Blunt, is a good example of men pushing to continue this legislative trend. This 
amendment was to essentially make it possible for one’s boss to decide what 
healthcare services would be provided to employees based upon their own 
personal, religious and moral beliefs. The bill stated “nothing in this title shall be 
construed to require an individual or institutional health care provider, or authorize 
a health plan to require a provider, to provide, participate in, or refer for a specific 
item or service contrary to the provider’s religious beliefs or moral convictions.” 
Statistically, because of gender inequality in our patriarchal society, it can be proven 
workplace. If this amendment were to pass, men would have been making the 
majority of decisions about women’s access to health care, and more specifically 
reproductive healthcare. It is important to consider the dynamic this presents. 
Although men do not experience reproductive health in the same way as women, 
they still try to control how a woman’s reproductive health is handled. 
Although this amendment was not put into place, it is important that we recognize 
these dynamics and trends when they emerge to ensure legislation like this does not 
box women into a patriarchal society where men decide their fate. 
Social patterns such as this illuminate our society’s path for the future, and the 
defunding of Planned Parenthood is an example of a pattern that would send us 
down a path into the past.
Temple University Student | Journalism Major
Logan is a junior journalism major, and serves as Campus Correspondent.  She is also the proud president of Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Nu, her sorority. Logan is typically super busy, but still dedicates hours to reading a Cosmo from front to back...twice. Logan loves all things social media, especially following puppy accounts on Instagram. Her dream is to break into the magazine industry and help empower other women to pursue their dreams, whatever that may be.