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New Semester, New You: The Guide to Your Clean Slate 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

So, it’s a new semester in college, and you’re feeling overwhelmed already. Trust me, I feel you there. But don’t worry, starting fresh can be an exciting time to hit the reset button, try new things, and get involved on campus. Here’s my take on how to adjust to a new semester in college.  

First, take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far. You’re on your way to achieving your goals, and that’s something to be proud of. Now, let’s talk about how to make the most of this semester. My first tip would be to get organized. This can seem like a no-brainer, but it’s the foundation of a successful semester. To do this, invest in a planner, create a study schedule, and prioritize your to-do list. Be realistic with this though and try not to overload yourself with too many commitments; balance is key. 

My second tip would be to meet your professors. I know this could be a little daunting but take the time to introduce yourself to your professors during their office hours. They’re there to help you- that’s their job. Building a relationship with them can only help you in the long run. Plus, they’ll be more likely to remember you and give you a heads up on upcoming assignments or tests, and even write you reference letters when you start applying for jobs or internships.  

When it comes to the social world, which I think is also extremely important in the adjustment process, make new friends and join some clubs. College is a great opportunity to meet new people, and there’s no better time to do it than at the start of a new semester. Join a club or organization that aligns with your interests, participate in campus events, and say yes to new opportunities. Making new friends not only adds to your college experience, but it can also create a support system for the rest of your college journey.  

Getting involved on campus also ties in with this, but getting involved on campus goes beyond just joining a club. Volunteer for events, attend guest lectures, and engage with the college community. The more involved you are, the more opportunities you’ll have to learn, grow, and make a difference. No matter what your interests are, there’s a club or organization for you. From sports teams to academic groups, there’s a community waiting for you to join. Joining a club or organization can help you develop new skills and gain valuable experiences. Whether it’s improving your public speaking skills through a debate club or learning how to lead a team through intramural sports, the opportunities are endless. 

Now let’s talk about you and only you. It is time to stay on top of your mental and physical health. College can be stressful, but it’s important to prioritize your mental and physical health. Carve out time for exercise, get enough sleep, and practice self-care. It’s okay to take a break when you need it, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. 

Starting a new semester in college can be overwhelming, but it’s also an opportunity to hit the reset button and get involved on campus. Hopefully you gained some helpful tips that can aid you in conquering all of your goals this semester. Good luck! 

Hello everyone! My name is Alexis Thompson but I go by Lexi. I am a junior communications studies major at Temple University. I am so excited to be a part of HerCampus and I can’t wait to connect with other amazing and extremely talented writers!