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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

LOVEit is the most searched word on Google.  That very fact seems so appropriate to learn in February, Cupid’s month of hearts, kisses and hugs.  It is probably unarguable that we all know a little something about love (even if we do not believe we do!) After all we always have some advice to give to our best friends when they coming running with guy problems.  It appears though that we are all searching for answers regarding this overwhelming feeling because after all how do you really know that indeed you are falling in love?
I often wonder if we are in a desperate search for answers because we receive so many mix messages from the media, endless opinions from different cultures and religions and so much judgment from the general public.  While we might fail to realize it, we receive endless forms of communication on what love means each and every day.   I like to believe we are born with love that it is something we do not have to learn.  Yet, I think it is an emotion that we come to alter over time do to the influences we obtain. 
It might sound funny but it is Dawson’s Creek that informed me that sometimes our soul mate is not the same person we are head over heels for, the movie Serendipity illustrated that fate or destiny is the determining factor in the game of love.  Pretty Women instructed if you want to randomly “hook-up” never kiss on the lips; for a kissing on the lips indicates feeling will develop.  So many of us are Grey’s Anatomy addicts; however, I could not begin to convey the countless views of love being portrayed by the characters.  I would go out on the limb though and say at the end of the day for Grey’s love equals happiness and contentment.  All such different representations!

Armed with what we were brought up believing about love and what we have uncovered ourselves through different mediums; we enter the real world with one very fuzzy and distorted view.  So what else is there to do then take to the internet and GOOGLE THAT!  While Google has saved me multiple times for finishing a paper thirty minutes before class or finding a movie time for date that I am praying could be “the one,” I do not believe it is a reliable source in matters of the heart. 
I am no Doctor of Love, in fact I have no idea on where I stand on the emotion of love, soul mates and all that mushy stuff ( now you’re thinking great why am I reading this, aren’t you!) But I would like to encourage young collegiettes whether single (and ready to mingle) or committed (and praying for a diamond) to return to their toddler and little kid days where you didn’t try to understand love, you simply just felt.  If something is meant to be, as cliché as that might sound, when you look at that special someone you should not have to think, you should not have to justify.  You should though just feel.  I truly think that everyone loves differently, it is what adds to an individual’s appeal and that we end up with the person who loves the same way.  That is my answer for why is does not work out certain people.    
We are society that is very black and white, we analyze just about everything and we imply the scientific method.  With love though was it meant to be so researched?  I say no.  Go with your heart, deep down we each know exactly what we want and how we feel, we just question so much because we have been taught to question. 

Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!