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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Can you remember being a little kid and curious about anything and everything; you probably questioned adults endlessly yet the response always was the same- you’ll learn about that when your older or you’re too little to understand; but, one day you will find out
As maturing college women (and men!), I believe it is safe to say we have reached the point of uncovering life lessons- the “one day” has come and we are beginning to find out what we were so curious about as little tikes- family, friends, relationship and love just to name a few. 
The game of life to say the least is utterly confusing; yet, with every experience we encounter the puzzle becomes a little clearer.  I have come to believe that adults purposely do not answer questions little kids ask because one truly does have to experience life to appreciate the answer; and also because just maybe they simply do not have the answers, they too are still trying to figure it out the questions being posed.

Like our parents and guardians promised, it is undeniable that each day we do indeed learn something new. I think it is important to truly appreciate everything we learn and even more i
mportant to pass our discoveries on to others and hopefully allow for them to take as much from our experiences as we do; cause in life we need all the resource we can gather to put answers to curiosities.
This summer (and hopefully continuing into the other fabulous seasons), I like to pass on to my fellow collegiates life lessons that have come to encounter thus far. The subject matters will range but  it is my hope to leave you with a little information that will guide you to better appreciating the life you are currently living and give a little clarity to an ever perplexing world we live in.
Life Lesson #1: Friends are the family we get to choose….Hold onto them tightly!

The Beatles could not have said it more perfectly… “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends.”  As college students, I believe we would all agree that it is our circle of friends at the end of the day who keep us sane. (Or just maybe, drive us insane!!)
Friends, they are the family we choose.  I often wonder where we would all be without this “chosen family.”  Who would you call to give your love life update, or when you are having a midweek crisis?  Who would shop with you until you dropped or dance around a room when your beyond stressed.  Friends bare the brunt of our emotions and usually with open arms.

As much as we love and respect our own families, friends come through for us in ways no one else can or understands.  They help shape us while we are in the “real” world for they become our modes of influence or voices of reason when we are at a crossroad and no one else cares to listen.
I often think we forget just how lucky we are to have a best friend.  For it is very rare to find individuals who fully accept one another in today’s society; yet these very people, your friend appreciate simply you, not who they wish you were.  Friends help teach us the greatest life lesson, without us ever realizing it.  Selflessness- how many times have you rummaged through their closet for an outfit to wear on a Friday or Saturday night?  Patience- how many times have you sat and talked your friend’s ear off without them ever complaining or butting in with a story of their own, how many times have you listen?  The list can extend on and on. 
As summer comes into full swing and even when it ends, we will utilize are friends more than ever; especially when you’re sitting bored on the couch watching reruns; so remember to thank them for always being there because after all they do not have to be!

Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!