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Is Isaiah Gaymon YOUR next Homecoming King?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

If you’re ever on campus, chances are you’ve seen a 6’2” figure in some sort of tweed blazer, colored jeans, and oxfords—looking dapper as usual. Isaiah (Izzy) Gaymon, this well dressed senior studying Media Studies and Production, isn’t just tall, dark and handsome. He’s also in the running for this year’s Homecoming court. With a focus on encouraging others, Gaymon has big plans if he wins Homecoming King. These include community outreach, up-lifting North Philadelphia youth and simply giving anyone that boost of confidence they need. Will Izzy get your vote!?

If you were a salad, what part of the salad would you be and why? “I would be the lettuce because the lettuce is the base of a salad. That’s what sets up the salad. Being the base, you’re the leader so you set everything else up.”

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, writing, hanging out with friends and mentoring

Most embarrassing moment: Izzy was in the house after school and thought no one else was home. He was wearing headphones and singing loudly as if he were alone. All of sudden, his dad came downstairs and it turned out his family was actually home. Coming up behind him, Izzy’s dad startled him. Izzy jumped, basically into the open refrigerator, and a shelf collapsed causing him to fall along with the fridge’s contents…right on his head.

Plans after college: “My plan is to possibly work for GQ magazine. That’s like my dream job since I’ve been about 13 or 14 years old. I also want to start a non-profit for youth to promote self-confidence and also empower the youth through mentorship.”

Why should you be Homecoming King? “I feel like there’s so many kids out here that need role models. Areas like North Philly don’t have people at home making [kids] feel like they’re important…so they don’t strive to be better people. I want to incorporate the Temple community to help make these kids feel like they matter. I really want to promote a positive environment to help people feel like they matter. If you don’t have anybody pushing you or constantly instilling good values then you’re not going to grow up with good values.”

Izzy wants to put together a community service initiative that brings local High School students on campus to build resumes. He also wants to take their skill and make it expert (for example, if someone can sing, make them the best singer they can be) while improving what they’re bad at.

Izzy’s running mate is Tasia Morgan who will be featured on the site in the coming days before October 18. You can vote for Izzy, Tasia or anyone else on the Temple Homecoming Court website.

Layla is a senior magazine journalism student with a passion for politics, cultural events and of course, shopping, with aspirations of working as an on staff writer at a major magazine in NYC.Believe it or not, Layla enjoys working out (if you know her, you'd probably say not) but can't seem to find time for it this semester with her semi-hectic schedule (no excuse, she knows). She also loves shopping, getting out of the city, hanging out with friends, playing instruments and singing, and dancing even though she sucks at it!Follow her on twitter @laylajayla, on Instagram @baelay and on her blog at loafersnlipstick.tumblr.com!
Jennifer Nguyen is a senior journalism student at Temple. She has been a part of Her Campus Temple since its formation in 2010 and being a part of HCTU has been one of the best things she has ever done. She aspires to be a magazine writer in New York after graduation. Jennifer is passionate about learning more about the world around her and hopes to travel the world one day. As a journalist, she strives to share the stories of people whose voices need to be heard. In her spare time, she loves reading French literature, learning languages and watching Bravo reality TV shows.