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Inspirational Words from Temple Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Temple has a campus full of amazing characters with wonderful words of wisdom. See what inspiring tidbits these ladies have to say! 


Megan: Nursing major, Temple University student

“Never forget where you came from, where your hometown is, what you grew from. I came from a small town that people don’t get out of. People don’t associate themselves with what they came from. I think you need that to keep yourself well-rounded.”


Katie (left), Temple University graduate

“I almost flunked out of high school. I had a terrible time in high school. I didn’t think I was going to go to college. I went to college, and I graduated. I have a great job now. I would say to high school kids who aren’t doing too well: If you’re not doing too well and you don’t feel great about yourself, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world. Don’t let high school ruin your life. Find your own way, and don’t let anyone try to tell you what to do.”

Jessie (right), Temple University student

“Don’t worry about what box other people are going to try and fit you into. Figure yourself out without worrying about whatever it is you are.” 


Rachel (right)

“A lot of people spend too much of their time worrying about how they seem to other people. If you take a second to think about how much time you spend thinking about what other people have done, you realize that no one cares. You might worry that they’re caring. If you do something embarrassing, it is not going to end your life. Your life will continue just as it always has. And the sooner you realize that no matter what you do you’re going to be okay, the better you’ll be.”

Jeanie is a Freshman Journalism major at Temple. As an aspiring Journalist, she likes to connect with others in order to create the best stories. She loves drinking coffee, playing with her dog, working out, thrift shopping, performing arts, and anything Journalism related. Follow her on Twitter @JeanieDavey twitter.com/jeaniedavey jeanbeanjean.wordpress.com youtube.com/jeaniedavey
Jennifer Nguyen is a senior journalism student at Temple. She has been a part of Her Campus Temple since its formation in 2010 and being a part of HCTU has been one of the best things she has ever done. She aspires to be a magazine writer in New York after graduation. Jennifer is passionate about learning more about the world around her and hopes to travel the world one day. As a journalist, she strives to share the stories of people whose voices need to be heard. In her spare time, she loves reading French literature, learning languages and watching Bravo reality TV shows.