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I Just Watched Legally Blonde: Here’s What I Learned

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Elle Woods is the role model we all need– and here’s why.

Okay, try not to stand up and yell “Objection!” when I say this, but I had never watched Legally Blonde until this year. As someone all about classic romcoms, empowering coming-of-age films, and anything pink, it’s quite shocking I never watched it until now. What I can finally say, however, is Legally Blonde carries some amazing messages and life lessons. Here’s what I learned from Ms. Elle Woods:

Don’t Let Others Define Your Worth

Elle had to put up with people left and right telling her she wasn’t good enough or smart enough to achieve great things. Her own ex-boyfriend even told her she wasn’t smart enough to snag that big internship or even get into Harvard in the first place. Elle is a prime example of never letting others tell you who you are, who you can become, or how to live your life.

Follow Your Intuition

Elle knew that Brooke Taylor Windham was innocent, just like she knew that Enrique was lying during the trial. If you have a gut feeling, follow it. Even if other people are doubting you and your potential. Sure, we’re not right about everything, but we all have to listen to our intuition about the right path to take.

Never Be Afraid to Express Yourself

Elle was never afraid to be herself, and neither should you! Elle dressed how she wanted, despite what people thought of her. She was never afraid to be her truest self just because other people may judge her for it. 

Shrug off Feelings of Embarrassment

Nobody likes to feel embarrassed. We all tend to feel stuck in our heads about whether or not we just made a giant fool of ourselves in front of somebody. Remember when Elle showed up to Vivian’s party as a Playboy bunny and realized she was the only person wearing a costume? While that is a scenario that can be highly embarrassing, Elle kept her head held high and flaunted her outfit. Also, can we talk about how she rocked that costume?

Never Choose Someone Who Doesn’t Choose You

While the film started out with Elle working to get into Harvard, she was doing that to win over Warner, aka the guy that had just broken up with her. Elle was chasing a guy who was consciously not choosing her back! Of course she realizes this in the end, but the lesson here is that you want somebody who wants you too. On top of that, make sure they don’t carry similar personality traits to Warner Huntington III.  

Treat People with Kindness

Elle was nice to everyone she met. Even when she was ostracized, she remained bubbly, poised, and kind. She also went out of her way to help others, such as helping Paulette iconically take back her dog from her ex. We could all benefit from being the smiling face or the helpful hand that brightens someone’s day in one way or another.

You Can Achieve Anything You Set Your Mind to

Elle was set on getting into Harvard, and guess what? She did it! She worked her butt off to pass the LSATs, and she worked equally hard to excel in her studies during her time at Harvard. This is your sign that if you can dream it, you can do it.

The next time you feel your confidence start to waver and you’re filled with the doubts and judgements of others, keep your head held high and channel your inner Elle Woods. In the words of the queen herself: “What, like it’s hard?”

Brynne is a senior Advertising major at Temple University concentrating in Copywriting and Art Direction. She is interested in all things fashion, music, romance, and art. When she is not writing for Her Campus, you can find Brynne creating her billionth Spotify playlist, frequenting the nearest spot selling iced coffee and bagels and lox, or online shopping.