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How to Not Feel Lonely on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Let’s get straight to it, Valentine’s Day is approaching and before we know it, it’ll be here. We’ll see couples gushing over each other so much that it’ll make single people want to throw up. Our Instagram feeds will be flooded with pictures of someone with their significant other and the caption will read: “How did I get so lucky? Here’s to spending 375902 Valentine’s with you, blah blah blah.” It makes me feel lonely sometimes and ask myself: why in my 20 years of life have I never had a valentine? 

I’m sure there are people like me out there and if you’re reading this you are probably in the same boat. I have come to the realization that I don’t need a significant other to feel whole and neither do you. So instead of scrolling through Instagram all day and despising these couples here are a few things you can do:

  1. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb  and take the day to yourself

Until I get my own valentine I am going to look at this day as a day to unwind, appreciate my own company, and self-reflect. I’ll be silencing notifications from the outside world in order to take time to fall more in love with myself. I suggest all my fellow single people do the same and take this time to journal, read a good book, listen to that podcast you’ve been putting off, or your favorite music. It’s time we learn how to enjoy our own company.


This goes for romantic comedies, sad romantic movies, happy romantic movies, and any movie with dogs in it. Instead, put on an action or comedy movie to ensure you stay away from emotions that get you thinking about just how lonely you are. I recommend watching any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies or any comedy movie with Melissa McCarthy. The fights between villain and hero or the never-ending hysterical comebacks made by McCarthy are sure to keep your mind off of the day that shall not be named. 

  1. Make yourself a three-course meal

You can take this day to try out that new recipe you have saved in your TikTok favorites folder. Try starting off with an appetizer, then create an entree, and to top if off, make a dessert. I challenge you to make something you’ve never made before to challenge yourself. This will occupy your mind by focusing it on the recipe instead of the feelings that may arise on this day.

  1. Send yourself flowers or love notes

You should become your own secret admirer. There’s no rule that says you can’t send yourself flowers or gifts to show how much you love yourself. Take it as a way of appreciating how far you’ve come, the person you are, and who you will be. While you’re at it, make a toast to your future self. You don’t need a significant other to appreciate you when you can do that all on your own. 

  1. Make it a girls’ day

If you truly do not feel like being alone on Valentine’s Day, spend it showing others how much you love them. Nothing feels better than spending a day with your closest girlfriends. You can go to dinner, go shopping, buy each other gifts of appreciation, and so much more. I think our girlfriends know us better than we know ourselves, so who better to spend the day of love with?

  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself

What I mean by this is don’t overthink Valentine’s Day. It’s not just a holiday for couples (even though it feels like that,) but it’s also a day to show your love for yourself or the people in your life. It’s okay to not have a significant other on this day because that’s not what it’s all about. Don’t be like me and ask yourself why you don’t have a valentine.

Remember that this list is merely a list of suggestions. Valentine’s Day is your day to feel loved and appreciated, so do what you can to feel that. If you want to watch romantic movies and spend the day being all in your feels then do so! You should do whatever gets you through the day because after all, you’re the only person who truly knows how to make yourself feel better. 

Hi everyone! I'm Jonaira, a junior at Temple University studying journalism. I am passionate about fashion, beauty, finding new restaurants to eat at, and finding new series to binge. You can follow me @nairamiche on Instagram.