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How to Tell If You’re Paying For the Quality or the Name

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

We’ve all been there before. You’re ready to buy a $50.00 crop top from Urban Outfitters, because it has to be worth it, right? I mean, it is Urban. Though in the past I was guilty of this, I’m going to share some tips on how to spot if the price is really worth it. 

Have you noticed everyone around you is suddenly wearing the brand?

Though we all claim to be original, we all gravitate towards the brands that everyone is talking about. Take American Eagle as an example. Have you noticed that nobody seems to be telling you that their clothes are from there compared to last year? That is what we call fast fashion. American Eagle is out, Pretty Little Thing is in. 

Try the “crunch test” 

This is just like it sounds. Grab your item and bundle it all up tightly in your hands. If the wrinkles are still there, you have your answer. A quality piece of clothing would never hold a wrinkle! 

Hold the fabric up to a bright light

Take your clothing item and find the nearest bright light. Even your phone’s flashlight could work for this test. If you can see through your clothing item right away, that should raise a red flag. The more you pay, the thicker the material should be. 

Consider if the brand advertises the company name rather than the quality of the product

The difference that I have noticed is companies that seem overpriced focus on the name of the brand in its advertising. Lululemon is a clear example of this. We all know how elite it feels to be wearing that brand, particularly leggings. It comes with a stigma and a perception that they are just better, solely because it is Lululemon. However, If you compare it to the brand Aerie, who in my opinion do just as good of a job, they advertise the quality of the brand. Truthfully, it seems the only difference between Lululemon and Aerie is that Aerie is half the price.  

Your jeans feel a little too comfortable the first wear

Those comfy jeans are pulling a marketing scheme. You try the jeans on in the dressing room, and automatically love the softness of them. Then after a few wears the cheapness of the product starts to show. Seems are pulling, and they just aren’t laying right. When buying a pair of jeans, truthfully they shouldn’t feel that “comfy” right away. You should have to break them in, like you do with Levi’s jeans or even a nice new pair of shoes. Quality shows over time, but not right away. 

Those are some of the basics on how to spot if the price matches the quality of the clothing. Keep these tips with you on your next shopping trip, especially to the big name store brands! Now that you know this information, you will never become a victim to overpriced fashion! 

Katie Monte

Temple '24

lover of all things beauty, fashion & self care
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!