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How to Stay Happy and Healthy on Campus During a Pandemic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Going to college during a pandemic is not something ordinary to many people. You may find yourself feeling lazy and unmotivated, which is not your normal self. During these times, the multitude of people feel this way, but there are ways to overcome this feeling and stay on top of your health and work. Your mental health is extremely important and needs to be taken care of. College is already tough enough for students, so imagine going to school during a pandemic. I know resources are limited, but there are many great alternatives that are easy for you that can also prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Keep yourself organized

The first thing that will be needed to complete any of your tasks is a daily planner. Before you try to do anything, you will need to write down everything you want to accomplish for the week. You can choose to go week by week or monthly, but personally I recommend a weekly planner so you don’t overwhelm yourself. If you plan out your schedule, then you won’t be stressed thinking about if you forgot to do anything later down the road. Going to online class is very different than having in person classes, so you need to write down everything so you don’t forget. College is a tough transition for many people, and if you want to be successful, you should keep yourself organized with a planner. 

Create a simple workout routine

Being a college student is a full time job as it is. You have an entirely different life on top of your school work. Many of us find it hard to make time to work out and stay active on top of the immense workload we need to complete. It is even harder now considering all of the new gym regulations. At Temple, the gyms are open to all students, you just need to make a reservation. Yes, it is kind of a burden to go through all of that work, but in the end you will feel better with yourself knowing that you were able to work out! If you are not comfortable with going to the gym, there are plenty of workout routine videos on YouTube that you can watch and follow along. Sometimes it is hard to get started and get yourself motivated enough to get ready, but once you do it, you will feel so much better. You could even just go for a quick walk. Take care of your body and it will take care of you!

Eat three meals a day

Your body relies on you to feed it so that you can have energy to complete all the activities you need to do. Living at college makes it harder for you to stay on top of your diet and how much you eat. I know for some people, dining hall food just isn’t your thing, but Temple has many other alternatives for you. Being a full time college student is physically and mentally draining on a person, so eating correctly can help contribute to some of that extra energy you need to study and do your homework. Breakfast is so important to your daily life. It gets you started and keeps you motivated to do all the activities you have to do. College is hard, especially living on your own, so, please take care of yourself.

Keeping yourself happy and healthy is very important to your mental health. Living on campus during Covid-19 is definitely different, but that doesn’t mean that you should slow down on life just because the world is currently slower than normal. Take advantage of the resources that are still available to you and get ahead of the game! 

class of 2024 at Temple University. Undecided STHM major
I'm a social media fanatic. Between my work as a rising senior public relations student at Temple University and my personal blog (living-with-love.com) hobby, you can always find me on my phone. I'm from a small town in Connecticut and spend my free time doing barre workouts, rewatching television series, and reading new books. I joined HC as my first organization at college, and I can't imagine ending my academic career leading anywhere else!