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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

In our current predicament most of us are having to face a mountain of things we have never experienced before Covid-19 it is constantly testing us. We reached another issue as soon as Temple University informed us that we would all be attending “Zoom University” for the fall semester. Now we all know how hard it is to stay focused during zoom when we also have to submit all our assignments via the computer, so now we are forced to be on our computer for hours upon hours and it becomes super difficult to remain focus so my goal is to give you some tips and tricks so you can get the most out of your semester!

Creating your spaces

You need to create a space in your home that you will use constantly while being on Zoom for classes. Somewhere quiet and free of distractions this will help you focus on class alone. For me I have two spaces. I have a desk in front of my window and I also use my rooftop so I can be outside with fresh air and nothing to distract me. Make this space personal to you but also make sure it stays neat and organized if it is constantly messy this can cause distractions also you don’t want a place where people are constantly coming by. So, find a nice space in your home, school, or even a special place that is for this alone so when you get on zoom you know you will have no distractions. 

Download a cute app

LifeSaving Tip in terms of homework, deadlines, reminders and so much more. I downloaded an app called Planbella now this did cost me some money $8 to be exact but it’s a one time payment. An app like this helps you organize your weekly assignments and create checklists which helps you stay organized and on top of all your work so you don’t end up stressing two hours before class when you realized you completely forgot to do an assignment. In addition, it is so aesthetically pleasing and simple to use.

Have a snack nearby

Before class starts you should grab some kind of snack and a drink. While sitting for long periods of time we tend to get hungry or thirsty but getting up every 20 minutes for something becomes a repetitive thing and then you are missing out on so much class time and could be missing important information.

Take breaks

If you have a class longer than 50 minutes or even multiple classes back to back don’t be scared to take a break. If you feel yourself losing touch with class or just being completely lost, cut off your camera, take 5 minutes to stand up, walk around, go to the restroom, or even just sit and breathe. 

Write your notes

Old fashion I know but seriously getting a notebook and taking notes during the zoom class helps you focus and truly understand what is being taught rather than just sitting through class trying to focus and then hoping you are able to remember. Grab some cute gel pens and a unique notebook and get to writing those notes!

Close all other tabs while in class

Before you enter zoom make sure you close ALL your other tabs, whether it’s an assignment or email. The only thing you want to have up on your computer is zoom. We all have a bad habit of being distracted while on our computer because we get bored during class and are like oh yeah let me go order that off amazon or let me send this email real quick and then we have jumped down the rabbit hole. 

Put your phone on DND

Put your phone on do not disturb and put it aside, if it’s really bad you can even have someone hold it for you until your class is over. Our phone is probably the most distracting thing for most of us, because we are tired of being in zoom and just want to talk to our friends or see how our social media posts are doing and so on. 


Yes, I know nerve-wracking you want us to talk in these classes too? Ugh. I know but it will help you focus even if it is a super simple question or simply using the reactions to interact in the classroom. Participating will keep you engaged throughout the lecture and can also lead to more interesting conversations. 


Because most of us are at home during class we tend to stay as comfortable as possible. We lounge on our couch, lay in our beds, and so much more. Try to find a comfortable chair or even if you do decide to sit on your couch or in your bed put your back up against something and sit up straight. Slouching posture makes us become sleepy and lazy, cause once you get too comfortable the last thing you want to focus on is class.

Get up and get ready

I know right now between the pandemic and zoom university a lot of us are just staying home, or just going to work then home. So when we get on zoom we are staying in our pajamas, or just not getting ready for the day in general stop that! Get up earlier in the morning and get ready for the day shower, workout, do your makeup, get dressed as if you have plans even if you don’t. This will help you be more awake and interactive because you will feel more energized and focused.

I hope that you all will take some of my tips and tricks to conquering zoom university and get the most out of your semester. Let me know if any of them work for you!

Hi! My name is Skyler Jeii
Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!