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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Did you know you can completely change the look of your facial features with a few minor tips? Many people have the cosmetics they need, but they never take into consideration the best way to utilize them. Where and how you apply your makeup is so important. Here are some of my favorite tricks to apply your makeup the correct way!

Let’s start out with the most crucial step: finding your face shape! It is very helpful to know the shape of your face, so you can figure out the best places to apply the products. The best way to find your face shape is to simply find a diagram on Google, or look at various celebrities that have a similar face to yours and study their features.

The first product I want to discuss is concealer. The way you apply it underneath your eyes can either make your face look rounder or perfectly angular. On some face shapes, it is recommended to apply it in a triangular shape under the eyes, and drag it up past the outer corner of your eye. This brings more light to your eyes while raising your cheekbones. 

Next, let’s discuss bronzing, highlighting and contouring! This is especially where your face shape can come in handy. This step in your makeup routine is guaranteed to change your look the most. Depending on your face shape, you should either apply bronzer on your cheekbones or underneath. You should also typically apply it to the outer perimeters of your face (forehead and jawline). This can really slim your face and bring dimension to it. Nose contours are also super important! Simply just the width of your brush can change how your nose appears. If you want to slim it, bronze the sides. If you want to shorten it, bronze the tip of your nose. And of course, you should ALWAYS highlight the high points of your face (cupids bow, top of cheekbone, brow bone, tip of nose, etc).

Lastly, let’s talk about the importance of blush. I used to never wear it. I did not realize how much it ties together your entire appearance! Adding the tiniest bit of color to your face allows you to have a glowy, healthy, youthful look. Once again, how you should apply it depends on your face shape. Most people typically apply it to the apples of their cheeks. For my face, I find that the best way to apply it is to focus mainly on the cheekbone (above the bronzer) and drag it upwards near my eyebrows to blend. This allows my face to be lifted! I also like to add a little bit of rosiness to my nose for some added color. Pictured below is a great example of applying blush to the outer corners of your cheeks!

These simple tips and tricks can leave you feeling more confident than ever! Makeup is amazing for enhancing your features and hiding your imperfections. I think the best thing to do is keep practicing, note what products and techniques work best for your face, and then stick to it! And most importantly, don’t forget to figure out your face shape!

Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!