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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

As a part of our 2023 Alumni Panel on March 15th, we would like to introduce all of our panel attendees prior to the event!

The next alumni that we would like to introduce is Haajrah Gilani! Best known for her award-winning investigative and community-based journalism in recent years, Haajrah started her journey as an editor with HCTU in her freshman year! Learn about what’s next for this alum here!

Her Campus at Temple University: What position(s) did you hold within Her Campus Temple?

Haajrah Gilani: In my freshman year, I was a staff writer for the Fashion and Beauty section. Then, in my sophomore year, I was an editor for Health and Wellness. 

HCTU: First things first, what are your big three?

HG: Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Pisces Rising!

HCTU: What was your major at Temple, and can you tell us your favorite memory on campus?

HG: I was a journalism major! I honestly had a great time at Temple. This is kind of nerdy, but I really loved being in the newsroom late Monday nights for The Temple News working on our paper. 

HCTU: If there was one thing you could tell yourself while you were a staff writer, what would it be?

HG: I wish I took more risks! When I was an editor, there were so many fun and creative ideas the writers had. I would have loved to be more honest because HCTU really is a platform that was open to all ideas. 

HCTU: After graduation what has been the most fulfilling moment for you?

HG: I was covering a story for my internship when I got a call from Northwestern telling me I was accepted into their investigative journalism lab. I started crying and just felt so happy to be admitted into my top program. Grad school was always on my radar and the high school version of myself would’ve never thought of a prestigious university as a place I could attend.

HCTU: In what ways did your Her Campus experience help you with your professional development?

HG: I just met so many amazing girls through Her Campus. It was great for working on my social skills, especially because the meetings when I was a staff writer were in-person were great work for my people skills. 

HCTU: What was the most challenging thing you faced post-graduation?

It’s been a little hard to financially prepare for grad school. Also, I was a Resident Assistant for most of college, so paying rent and not having free meals is very new to me. 

HCTU: What are your plans next?

HG: I’m going to a 10-month graduate program for investigative journalism. I’ll be in both Chicago and DC, so hopefully that will help me better understand which city I’d like to work in long-term. 

HCTU: Is there anything current HCTU members should know about you before the panel?

HG: I graduated in December 2022, so alum life is very new to me. 

Join us in Temple University Annenberg Hall room 201 on March 15th at 5:30 pm to learn more about Haajrah and all of our other panelists!

Temple '23 journalism major with a love for activism, fashion, and J. Cole.
Kayla is currently a Communication Studies major at Temple University who enjoys writing to spread awareness and positivity.