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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Before you leave some terrible hate comment about how my generation never learned how to write in cursive, allow me to preface by saying I adore millennials and am not here to trash talk an entire generation. I’m not here to tell you how to part your hair or how to take your Hogwarts house out of your Instagram bio; I’m actually here to clarify that this so-called “war on millenials” does not exist.

I’m currently 19, so I’m on the older side of Gen Z. I’m the type of Gen Z who heavily identified with millennials back in 2014 because my generation hadn’t really established a personality yet. My mom’s a millennial, celebrities that I look up to are mostly millennials, and I did have a Buzzfeed phase. 

I remember older generations attacking millennials during the late 2010s for being “lazy” and “entitled.” I also remember being particularly annoyed on behalf of them, despite not being a millennial myself. Although, now it seems that Gen Z’s are attacking millennials for being too “cringey” or “old.” It really seems that you guys cannot get a break, right? Wrong. Buzzfeed is dividing us. 

As someone who is very active on “gen z” Tik Tok and Twitter, I’m here to tell you that Gen z does not care at all how you part your hair or wear your jeans. This is a completely made up rivalry by Buzzfeed because they know the majority of their audiences are millennials, therefore, they are trying to cater directly to them.

Contrary to Buzzfeed’s belief, over here on the Gen Z side, no one is talking about you guys. It’s like any other fashion trend or fad, it was never a direct attack on an entire generation. I’m sure Gen X had plenty of similar moments when millennials started bringing back certain fashion trends that were considered “uncool” when they were in middle school. 

I will say, since millennials have decided that this is war, Gen Z has started taking notice and has been making fun of millennials for their response. But millennials, you guys technically did this to yourselves… Gen Z wasn’t paying any mind until Buzzfeed decided that our fashion trends were a direct attack on you. BUZZFEED IS DIVIDING US.

So this is my proposition to millennials, consider this a peace treaty. Get off of Buzzfeed. I promise our trends aren’t an attack on you, just like your trends weren’t an attack on Gen X. Feel free to continue to make fun of us for eating tide pods or whatever, I feel like that’s a generational rite of passage, but please stop victimizing yourselves. There is no war on millennials.

Julie Ryan

Temple '24

Vibing and thriving:-)
Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!