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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Nobody likes rejection. 

Whether it’s being rejected by friends, your crush, or an employer, the nasty sting of rejection is something that most people have trouble coping with. However, there are numerous ways to overcome your fear of rejection. 

Many people assume that the only way to avoid rejection is to put yourself in a position to not be rejected. While this may be true, you will not grow as a person if you refuse to take risks. This is why it is crucial to continue to take risks after being rejected. Throughout my life, I was the type of person to play it safe. It was not until I got to college and started putting myself out there more that I realized how beneficial it is to take risks. 

Even though you may get rejected, it is a wonderful feeling to try something you are scared of. Now, I am not talking about risks that put you in serious danger, but rather social risks, like joining a new club, starting conversation with a stranger, or asking someone out. Do whatever classifies as a risk to you. It will help you feel  more comfortable with the idea of rejection, and may lead to something positive. I am a firm believer that the best things in life come when you step outside your comfort zone.

It is extremely important to process your feelings after a rejection. Rejection may provoke a whirlwind of emotions, like sadness, anger, embarrassment, or frustration. Although these emotions may make you feel uncomfortable, it is okay to let yourself feel. In fact, it is healthy to recognize your emotions and learn how to cope with them. 

Everyone deals with rejection differently, so find a healthy method that works best for you. I find that writing or talking out your thoughts is a helpful way to process your feelings. Remember that every emotion you feel, and every thought you have is valid. Allow yourself to deal with your emotions, instead of suppressing them.

Although it may be difficult, try to learn and improve from rejection. Rejection does not always need to be taken negatively. In fact, it can teach us some valuable lessons about ourselves, so we can continue to grow. For example, if you bomb a job interview, analyze what you need to improve and apply that to your next interview. Use your rejection to your advantage and grow from it. 

If your fear of rejection is preventing you from doing things or causing anxiety, try seeking professional help. Sometimes identifying the root of your fear of rejection and consulting a therapist will help you cope.

Overall, remind yourself that any rejection does not define you. Rejection is a completely normal part of life. It should not determine your self worth or how you see yourself. No matter how much rejection you may face, remember that you are capable, worthy, and loved.

Meghan is a sophomore psychology major at Temple University. She enjoys reading, traveling to new places, and eating mozzarella sticks.