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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Now, I know you’re probably asking yourself, how can online learning possibly be hurting my eyes? Or, you may just love online learning and not see a problem at all. Well, the problem is that staying in front of a computer screen for hours is hurting your eyes, and it seems as if nobody cares to realize that.

If you feel like your eyes aren’t damaged try reading a book or doing anything that’s not on an electronic device. Did your eyes blur a little? Do your eyes feel tired? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, then your eyes are being damaged by online learning. But, don’t panic, it’s not the end of the world. I have got some solutions for you! 

One solution is to keep your electronics at a distance- having your phone or computer in your face is one of the causes of your eyes’ straining. Another solution is to fix your brightness- a lot of phones come with a setting where you can dim the brightness or even use night mode. 

And here is where I give you the best two pieces of advice to stop technology from straining your eyes:

TAKE A BREAK! Taking a break for even 20 minutes can help your eyes from being engulfed by the damage that online learning can cause. 

My last piece of advice is to invest in blue light glasses because these will protect your eyes. They are really a life saver and are not costly. I recommend getting a pair because they make such a difference. So, while you’re in classes back to back or scrolling from TikTok to TikTok, your eyes will remain protected and you won’t feel that straining feeling.

Yes, online learning may be fun, but protecting your eyes is very important as well. These solutions can save you from causing long term damage to your beautiful orbs. 

Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!