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Cutting Off Toxic Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

At some point in our lives, we cross paths with friends who eventually become toxic people. Sometimes it’s easy to spot them right away while other times it takes a while to figure out why they’re unhealthy for you.

I had a toxic friend that I had to cut out of my life. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it in the long run.

Toxic friends are hard to give up sometimes because you don’t want to feel that you are being mean and you always think about the good times of your friendship, instead of the bad. Trying to place the good over the bad makes it harder to let them go.

However, you have to stop feeling bad about letting them go or wanting to let them go because once you do, you will feel so much better.

It’ll be so much healthier for you mentally to get rid of the negative energy and drama in your life.

No one wants to feel unhappy and stressed no matter what relationship they’re in.  

Once you start feeling and seeing these symptoms in your friendships, you have to let them go. Friends are supposed to be there for you, make you feel happy, support you, and not drag you down. If your friend isn’t like that it’s time to break up with them.

Here are some signs that your friend is toxic:

  1. You can’t share any good news with them because you’re afraid they will put you down, be jealous, and be negative.
  2. You can’t get to say anything in your friends, such as where to eat and what to watch. Basically, you can’t voice out your opinion.
  3. You feel that they judge you all the time.
  4. They put peer pressure on you for the things you don’t want to do or feel comfortable with.
  5. She’s always negative.
  6. She’s never there for you and always flakes on you.
  7. Lastly, you dread seeing her.

Whether you experienced one of the signs or all, you need to reevaluate your friendship.

You shouldn’t have to worry or your drain yourself over a crappy friend because you have so much more to focus on.

If they take a toll in your life and you’re only concentrated on them, this isn’t a good sign. Toxic friends can have more of a negative impact than you think; they can affect your work, your classes, your social life, how you act at home if you live with them, etc.

This is why breaking up with them is the best choice for you and will free you from a unhappy relationship.

The first step is to address the problem(s). Before you cut them out for good, find out what about them makes you feel this way and try to confront them on it. Tell them how you feel and bring it to their attention of their behavior, and let them know not to treat you like that because you deserve better. If they don’t change their ways or want, then you have to end this friendship.

You should unfriend them on social media. You don’t need to go on social media and know what they’re up to and the same goes to you. It provides unnecessary feelings and it makes them be in your life in another way because you are paying them mind. You don’t want them to communicate with you and keeping them on social media allows them to do that.

Another thing to do is to start to slowly pull away from them and make boundaries to let them know their behavior won’t be tolerated any longer. Limit your interaction with them and disassociate yourself with them.

Pulling away implies you don’t want to be bothered and that the friendship ran its course.

I know from experience that talking to them about the issue helps a lot because you are getting the negative feelings out of your body and letting them know that what they are doing isn’t right.

After you let them go, make it all about you and release the negative energy by treating yourself to nice things, making new friends, doing fun things, etc. By letting the good things in your life and getting rid of the bad, you will be more happy in life and stress free.

I study journalism at Temple University. I’m desi and the happiest person anyone could ever meet. I love writing, reading, and dancing.