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The Comeback of the Drive-Ins and Drive-Thrus in a Pandemic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

The pandemic has taken away a lot of normal, fun activities, but it has also caused the revamp of an old tradition, drive in movies.  Everyone is rushing to see the newest movies and even the classics with their close family and friends from the comfort of their vehicle since it is no longer safe to pack into a theatre.  Not only have drive-ins been reintroduced, they’ve expanded their platform!  Now there are so many fun family activities that you would normally think to do in crowds now have an interesting vehicular twist.  The pandemic has turned the definition of normal upside down, so it is only fitting that average events are now drive-thrus and drive-ins!

Haunted Attractions

Everyone loves to go through corn mazes, pick pumpkins and participating in fall festivities are always exciting, but nothing is as thrilling as a good haunted attraction.  They come in all forms, but they generally share the same elements of people in terrifying costumes jumping at you and getting awfully close.  This typical idea of scaring might not be possible, but the drive-thru version gets people to get up close to scare you, with a barrier to stop any germ spreading!  People can throw some toilet paper and fake blood now too, with permission of course.  Maybe this can continue to evolve into drive through light shows during the winter holidays.


A world without concerts is a world I do not want to live in.  We all miss screaming the lyrics to your favorite songs from different bands, but an arena full of thousands of fans is not exactly safe in a pandemic.  It is not super popular in the US just yet, but it just may be in the future.  In large parks, people are able to drive in and listen to some great entertainment without having to leave the safety of their car.  Now obviously it is not ideal, but any access to live is surely better than none.  There have even been drive-in drag shows, operas, raves and other exciting experiences that you can partake in with your loved ones from inside your car!


Americans are known for our democracy and political activism and we are not letting the virus stop us from safely continuing common political practices during the hectic election year.  Just like going to watch a movie, Joe Biden hosted a drive-in Town Hall in Scranton, PA not long ago.  As voting continues and access grows, some locations across the country have begun practicing drive-thru voting.  Many ballot drop offs are easily accessible from a vehicle and there is no human contact involved.

Art Exhibits

Going along with live entertainment, especially in Europe, artists have developed new means of displaying their works for the world to appreciate.  There are many instances of warehouses being converted into one huge exhibit with a pathway throughout that allows for cars to slowly cruise through.  Art museums are a huge attraction and weekend family event.  This new way of looking at art allows for a family to get out and about after being cooped up in the house all week, but in a safe and new way.

 Of course, the pandemic has brought some less favorable options for entertainment but it is the way that musicians, artists and businesses adapt to such conditions that proves their commitment in providing to the public.  Even during such a stressful time, they manage to push through to hopefully provide us as customers some relief from the daily hassles and pain that the global pandemic has brought.  So, if you are looking for some fun plans this weekend, find something exciting and new to do with friends right from your car!

Mara is a junior Journalism major as well as a Political Science minor, and also working on a certificate in Spanish at Temple University. She is from New Jersey and proud of it! She loves producing shows at school, going on big adventures, writing stories, and tacos! You can follow her instagram @mara.jt
Delaney Mills is a Senior at Temple University majoring in Communication Studies. She's has a love for fashion and Harry Styles. She can usually be found at the Bagel Hut on campus or in her bed watching New Girl. Follow her on Instagram @duhlaneyyy!!